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  1. S

    my body needs more gangster vibes

    tinder will give depression to majority of men, and confidence to majority of women. however if you endure bs coming from these picky creatures and still manage to have fun on date or get sex then it will increase your confidence towards women in long run but any encounter with woman will...
  2. S

    I cheated and lost everything - now what?

    if you were rich handsome arab chaddam do you think she would kick you out after you cheat on her
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    my body needs more gangster vibes

    i can tell you i am confident of what I think, my decisions are often final, and im huge narcisst too however, being an computer nerd, im affraid my body can give insecure vibes, even though im confident. for example i can talk to stranger women , look them in eyes without issues or even be...
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    I cheated and lost everything - now what?

    i dont read it at all dude, but it demonstrates he has options and isnt scared of using them or her leaving him. thats huge attraction boost in comparison with other 90%of dudes out there who will NEVER cheat and will BEG HER to come back
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    I cheated and lost everything - now what?

    i dont believe it. women like when u cheat on them why would she penalize u for it
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    Man finds wife by calling randomly on the phone

    this is stuped. i aint doin that. real chads dont need to chase women
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    do you also believe this BS in what TRP and MGTOW believe

    op is a female to male trans in disguise
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    All the women want relationship..?

    they want a chad to cheat on them
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    Introverted guy in a foreign country

    can you even attract these shallow women without gym in 2019? u need to bebetter than rest so either go gym be popular have good face or be rich
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    i was buying food and then cashier touched my hand when giving me rest of money and

    thanks man but then ill be beta. real Chad does nothing and women run after him and break through his doors
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    i was buying food and then cashier touched my hand when giving me rest of money and

    Yeah exactly man! Change is the word i was looking for. Thanx
  12. S

    Do you have incel friends? How to motivate them?

    Find other friends? Also they cant get laid if theres chad nearby
  13. S

    Do you think horny men are paying to subscribe to hot chicks' Instagram accounts?

    yes lot of idiots like that. men were always the 'smarter' genre but this is beyond stupid. some streamer got caught lying about not having husband and their biggest donators cried like little B**** when they found out.... they also said "OH FINE IM GONNA DONATE OTHER STREAMER THEN" rotfl like...
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    i was buying food and then cashier touched my hand when giving me rest of money and

    i said dshe wanted to beelp me in first post in secnod post i said women want chad only verdict: i am the chad o
  15. S

    It's now a "hate crime" to refuse to sex a tranny

    OP either lies or cant read or manipulates forum and everyone swallows the bait. article is about refusing porn role toa TRANNY which may cause money loss if she was hired cuz majority of audience is straight males how is refusing a porn role same as refusing sex. OOF
  16. S

    my male friend is redpilled like me and i crossed boundaries and he went no contact on me

    teh lulz. women are only good for social life and sex and maybe taking care of children and cleaning home. but all attraction towomen comes from her look, 5min after sex woman is useless and wont understand you and you wont understand her in teh lulz movies women and love and romance are...
  17. S

    Do you have incel friends? How to motivate them?

    but gaming and netflix is not necessarily worse than having sex with women PS you can in 5-10min, what will u do during rest of day? waste time shopping clothes or at gym? muscles will leave you one day
  18. S

    my male friend is redpilled like me and i crossed boundaries and he went no contact on me

    We joke a lot but i knew he will be mad after this one joke but i made it anyway and he didnt reply after even tho 48 hours passed and he always replies in 1min what should I do? we both are very redpilled and we both know NC i dont use it though becuz i dont care about power dynamic between us