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  1. R

    How do you break attachment...?

    Anymore advice guys...?
  2. R

    How do you break attachment...?

    Thanks Nivre ... Good thing is that im starting uni soon :up:
  3. R

    How do you break attachment...?

    Guys im having trouble breaking the attachment i have for my ex (recently broke up), its driving me crazy. Every thing i do shes on my head! I even look at my phone every now and then to see if shes sent me a text. (weird i know) It'll probably take me a good 6 months to get over her, i just...
  4. R

    So.. does not masturbating actually help you?

    I remember i didnt masterbate for a week and then i was chilling with my girl on the 7th day and i got 'blue balls', that was very very painful!
  5. R

    to invite or not?

    I can say from experience that Mavrick is 100% correct! :up:
  6. R

    The 10 Commandments Of A Pickup Artist

    Great post, The first one is the most important i would say ... All the others would fall into place.
  7. R

    help on appearance

    OP, any update?
  8. R

    The girl im seeing is off to uni and so am I. . . Can she be trusted...?

    Fellas, i took your advice, and we mutually ended it today. I hope i did the right thing because i feel like sh!t right now.
  9. R

    ok this has been bugging me. thoughts?

    I would cut the attention with her for a bit, if shes still interested then she should contact you. Maybe shes an afc and she is scared of talking to you on the phone? I think that emotions cannot be seen through texts (unless you use smilies) whereas phone calls you can tell what she means...
  10. R

    Help On Initiating!

    I think he means that he is afraid of getting intimate... am i correct DonJuanJnr?
  11. R

    The girl im seeing is off to uni and so am I. . . Can she be trusted...?

    My gf and i are both off to different universitys about a 125 miles apart. Now this girls means alot to me we've been seeing each other since april this year (but we have had a thing sometime last year which lasted around 2months, she ended it because i was being too much of a jerk. She...
  12. R

    Check this out!!

    Haha, "D1ck in a glass jar" LOL Yeah this video is so true!
  13. R

    Explain to me how to improve inner game

    Brilliant post my friend, rep points for sure :up:
  14. R

    (University/Career related)… Feeling like such a waster/afc atm. Here’s my situation:

    Yes, i will have to pass my first year above a certain grade to be considered for a good uni, there are no guarantees though but worth a try i guess.
  15. R

    (University/Career related)… Feeling like such a waster/afc atm. Here’s my situation:

    Oops, mistake in first paragraph... i meant "... qualifications called a levels, usually you obtain 3 a levels. Now how well you... "
  16. R

    (University/Career related)… Feeling like such a waster/afc atm. Here’s my situation:

    I live in the uk so during 16-18 you study to attain qualifications called a levels, usually you obtain 2 a levels. Now how well you do in these will determine which university you go to. I really screwed up in mine, I never really worked hard, so I ended up retaking a year in order to bump...
  17. R

    For God's sake focus on your confidence, not your looks.

    So how would you tell someone with low self esteem to improve? What methods are there?
  18. R

    Try this...

    So are you sayin you take a snap of yourself instead of taking a picture of them Or You take a pic of them and then you snap pne of yourself?
  19. R

    Sigh friendzone....

    Next time, make your intentions clear from the start and escalate sooner :up:
  20. R

    Romantic songs?

    Dean Martin will definately have a few romantic songs