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    Share your worst simp memory

    In the friendzone for a year
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    How to deal with getting old?

    I'm 38 but can pass for 30 clean shaven , live it up as no rewind button in this life !
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    Home workouts suck donkey balls!!!

    Miss the weights big time , first few lockdowns did home workout but stopped as diminishing returns imo
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    OLD feels like a waste

    OLD are just full of insta hoes & baiters
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    is game for me? or just pay for it?

    Only gonna pay for it when I'm 60 plus loool
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    Do you think out of control hypergamy is the reason for the epidemic of chicks ghosting?

    Too much attention gives them unlimited choices simple plus simp behaviour and thirsty guys
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    Wingman in Tallinn

    Talin rules , f closed a model there back in 2017 club is "Munt"
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    Getting into 30's

    No escaping the aging process but gsme in your thirties is pretty sweet but then again if your gsme is sharp from your teens then its all gravy by your 30's
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    Tinder is a kochfest

    Yeah defo true , a 2/10 will get more matches then a 10/10 lool
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    Further Brainwashing of Society by Feminists...

    Delusional ****s loool
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    The Power of ***** by Kara King

    Whales are guys that aint been laid in a year or so , wait 2 months my ass looool
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    For its time period when first released was great , pua has evolved sonmuch since then
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    Study shows 50% of all women have a backup man they string along (sometimes for years )

    Basically never believe a word she says and question everything she does
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    Would you rather sleep with

    Nasty ....the first is confused feeak whonwould try use a strap-on you whennyour back is turned and the other has watched "Hellraiser" way too many times...lool
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    Are sperm donors Beta?

    Actuallyread an artlicle about this 50 year old guy who has fathered 150 kids being a sperm donor ...he aint alpha looool
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    Do you think marrying wifey with a lot of debt is a form of financial cucking before-the-fact?

    Never onform anwoman of your financialsituation or resources ...even lie if you have to and say your broke as well ...then she either hangs around or jumps ship and youve saved yourself a headache etc