Actually seeing a chick like this , its all a mask shes a so called feminist but shes like putty in my hands ...all that out femi crap out the window ...treats me like a king but i have always kept one foot out the door and just enjoying it while it lasts as always nee women to get !
Another tale from my own experience is i once smashed a chick who let her own dog sleep in her bedroom so as i was smashing her doggystyle this dog was watching me and it was off putting ...loooool
Read a story on ROK thats a teemainal ill woman laid some truths before the grave and ine if them are that women **** their own dogs in secret ....not all but a majority
Groups are a mission:
The ****block friend
One decides to leave and the sheepishly follow
Waste of time ....unless you have decent wings to keep each friend occupied
I think even if you lock down a 10 , your gonna have to accept hubgry guys after her left and right and be abke to handle that amount of attention she gets offline aswell as online
I bulk buy clothes and toiletries , drink at home before a night out and only buy one drink in the venue . Dates are in a bar , one drink then they buy next round , only expenses are for trips abroad .
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