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  1. P

    Bad Fathers; A Tribute Letter

    Our society tends to villainize bad fathers, but I would disagree; bad fathers are not bad. Without bad fathers there would be no bad girls. I thought about it for the first time as I slapped the buttocks of a naughty girl I knew in college. I remember clearly how she stretched out on my lap...
  2. P

    Yay, I finally got 2 chicks numbers

    than call them..
  3. P

    Asks how many previous partners, right before sex.

    My ex asked me that before we had sex as well; like, 20 min before; I asked her what her number was (I know not best but A) I didnt really care and B) wasn't very experienced at this stuff yet) and when she told me, I feigned amazement and told her my number was the same as her. We were both...
  4. P

    Talking about "game" in public

    I have learned that most of the male population is not ready for PUA and game. Its really the male ego fighting back saying that "learning how to be good with girls" is lame, weak and pathetic, all the while they stand in the corner of the club with a deer in the headlights look. I have 1-2...
  5. P

    How to become more sexual

    I have recently realized I lack in "creating sexual tension". Anyone can point to me to a place where I can learn this. Type of talk/questions/conversations that can help build it. I think I have the EC and body language under control, but need help with the spoken part f it.
  6. P

    Scientific proof pertaining to some behaviors women show

    +1000 Lots of great points; I grew up without a father until I was about 15, and I never thought it hurt me until I realized I am lacking many "manly" attributes that a father would have probably instilled in me. Its a rough road to overcome this and teach myself all my "missing info" but it...
  7. P

    Can PUA tips be used online?

    do a search dude, there are many threads on this, with specific openers and tips.
  8. P

    First date review and question

    Yeah ive seen a few of those. You did the right thing dude; these girls think they are hot **** becuase they have a vagina. And its becuase of the majority of the guy's population who stand for this and let them behave this way in hopes of getting in their pants.
  9. P

    First date review and question

    Im guessing the site was OKC, and this "just friends" is pure BS. No one and I repeat NO ONE goes online to find new friends; it may happen organically, but everyone's reason for joining dating sites is.... DATING. Some girls dont want to seem "easy" or "desperate", and that an easy way for...
  10. P

    This is the best text/email/line/etc I have ever..

    What will be a good answer to this? I know its a silly question but I have gotten this a lot lately and after writing diff responses, I wonder what you guys do when this comes up? I go with ".. I didn't get the texter of the year award for nothing", or "you probably say it to all the boys"...
  11. P

    Sex with cousin

    I won’t comment on different cultures and customs, but to me anything blood related is just plain wrong; not due to religious or other beliefs, just the idea of having sexual intercourse with a family member, as distant as it may is not something I can accept. I know that somewhere down the...
  12. P

    Aspiring to be a DJ? If you're anything like me, forget about it.

    Weed! But seriously, weed! What you wrote exactly describes me, or at least the older me. I am still awkward at times and have trouble approaching girls out cold, but its something I started working on and I see it changing. First, you have to believe in yourself and stop thinking you can...
  13. P

    How reliable is kino as an IOI?

    RE: Russian girl; that's how they are. Don't take it personally. Russian girls are the masters of **** tests and coyness. They will test you, ignore you than be warm to you and basically just be very confusing as you are trying to get them. Culture thing. Continue perusing and don't give up...
  14. P

    Destroying Social Phobias

    bumping this as this is a great thread; wish SS would have more quality posters these days. All the best stuff are in the archives!
  15. P

    Older Women

    I currently have a 37 year old FB and she is AWESOME!! She loves sex, still has a nice tight body and she is DTF for anything. Its great experience for me too becuase she knows what she wants and isnt afraid to take it. I did things with her I havent done before. I am 25 btw
  16. P

    What do you guys do when you're at home?

    I routinely try to have at least one day in the week where I can go home, not make any plans and just relax and have some me time. I read, cook, clean the house, listen to music and try to find new one I like. Watch a good amount of shows and movies (thank you Netflix) and mess around online...
  17. P

    Is it normal and ok to jerk off into a girls mouth/face

    When the moon rises, I be cummin in her eyes's
  18. P

    ive been having condom problems lately.

    Hahaha I second! Lets get a bill going..
  19. P

    things to do, every day, to become the best person possible

    9am is early?? What I try to do every morning is to stretch and have a quick calisthenics workout, then do some yoga/meditation. After that I shower and do all necessary body and health activities, and follow with a healthy breakfast and then read a book during my train commute to work...