That's what a man does-he works. Somewhere along the way, probably due to the miasma of anti-productiveness in hollywood and the media, we got the idea that life is something to be taken easily.
It isn't.
It is not ours to coast downhill, destined to crash into the first chance ditch.
It is not ours to wander around in confusion about what we are supposed to do.
It is ours to work-that is our freedom. A free man is one who takes responsibility for his existence, and an honest man is one who knows that he is worthy of whatever he can produce.
So work to start a business, work to invest, work to innovate and create and expand, work to build a monument of your life to the world. Many say that I have an old man's mind in a young man's body-I say, it is I who know the secret of life: to live it.
To live is to expand, and to expand is to work. All growth and expansion is the product of honest, intelligent, and diligent effort; anything else does not make the grade. Becoming the best man you can be does not come cheaply; the best man is the man who is willing to earn whatever he is single-mindedly, doggedly pursuing. Discipline is the currency of the best men.
So earn your rightful place as a captain of industry, as a pillar of the community, as a ripped athlete, as a sharp entrepreneur. You can be any and all of these things, if you are honest enough to know that you have to earn it, and confident enough to know that you can.