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  1. K

    The ultimate ****-test?

    Yeah, I think my instincts agree with you there about becoming less attractive by waiting... BTw, as a general policy, do you think its a good idea to hold a woman with depression to the same standards in terms of ****-tests etc as a one who is okay? I get the feeling I'm not doing this...
  2. K

    The ultimate ****-test?

    Yeah, I think my instincts agree with you there about becoming less attractive by waiting... BTw, as a general policy, do you think its a good idea to hold a woman with depression to the same standards in terms of ****-tests etc as a one who is okay? I get the feeling I'm not doing this...
  3. K

    The ultimate ****-test?

    quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a woman's way of breaking up with you. I've gone through this one before, and the whole "I need to get away, but I don't know how long" excuse. You've been there to comfort and...
  4. K

    The ultimate ****-test?

    Hey all, what do you guys reckon about this situation...LTR who has had depression for last year has decided she is so unhappy with her life ( but apparently not our relationship-although she says the depression affects that as well-and don't I know it, have spent a ****-load of...
  5. K

    AFC move?

    Hey guys, got a question. My LTR just rang me at work to chat. Thing is, she's in this habit of asking me 'what I got'? and when I run out of interesting news or don't have any to tell her she more or less says Bye or finds a reason to hang up. Today I called her on it and...
  6. K

    Warning signs?

    Thanks man, that was good stuff. Yeah, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this and have been burnt before in a similar stiuation in the way you described. What you said about looking after my own interests really hit home. Can't deny the 'Ouch!' factor in what you...
  7. K

    Warning signs?

    Hi all, wondering what you guys think about this...have been in an LTR for a couple of years now (although we have broken up a few times since) but recently, say last few months, the g/f has not been interested in sex much at all and is definitely not initiating. She is happy for me...