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  1. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    yup why am i not surprised, yeah, i know that i've spoken to at least 2 men with autism, they said they sadly never had a girlfriend until one his early 30s, and one his mid-30s, so yeah, its a lonely journey for many men in the world, especially men with autism. Obviously, women have the luxury...
  2. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    yeah, nevertheless, i assume the relationship started like how they normally do
  3. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    a woman who joined this forum? how did you and your husband meet each other? i assume you and him both started dating each other wile in your 20s?
  4. H

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    one thing for sure is, women can get away with learned helplessness, but men can't
  5. H

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    yup, that law of social dynamics or human interaction is why most forever alone people in the world are male dominated cases
  6. H

    We are prize but We have to go approach a girl paradox

    yup, men are stuck with that gender role whether they like it or not
  7. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    yeah i think what would help the OP, is if there are any positive success stories of men with autism being able to attract women and get girlfriends. Yes, women with autism will obviously for all time, won't have dating difficulties like men with autism will, should be obvious.
  8. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    yeah, its another reminder, well you avoided that, but its not unheard of for lots of men on the spectrum to become wizards, its either the norm or just quite common
  9. H

    Is it even worth it for a guy like me to try with making moves in-person?

    yup i have high functioning autism as well, and i know what its like to be in a sexless relationship, i refuse to refer to her as an ex-girlfriend because of that, however, she claimed she was a virgin so its possible she wasn't ready, the only woman i had sex with for "free" was a situationship...
  10. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    like i said, its not so much rejection that hurts, its the way that it happens that has the biggest effect, what pains me or hurts me the most, is if i make a woman feel uncomfortable, get perceived as weird or creepy or violate boundaries, that hurts and is embarassing, makes me feel stupid...
  11. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    growing understanding of people on the spectrum, so what you are saying is, are people are more aware of, or know about autism, being on the spectrum, a lot more than compared to previous years or decades? But yeah, i'm still not sure if i have the right mindset, some other mens dating coaches...
  12. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    yeah, its just that, i've had some bad experiences with approaching women, not because of rejection or the I have a boyfriend response, but more so, there have been times i've approached women and i feel i either accidentally, not intentionally, they felt weird or uncomfortable by my presence, i...
  13. H

    Did I make a mistake not making a move?

    interesting, something you would never expect
  14. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    they just expect it for just existing
  15. H

    Why do women complain about men "not knowing what they want" ?

    because women want and expect men to know and do everything for them
  16. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    yeah, i was being sarcastic as in, i'm sure even a full century from now or millenium from now, men approaching women will still be the norm, expectation. Expecting the world to change like that, would be like wanting Lions and Tigers to stop eating meat and go for plants, vegetables instead.
  17. H

    How much do women want to be approached?

    i would imagine or assume, believe, that the rate of men approaching women in person has declined a lot because of the advent of technology and social media, but nevertheless, some parts of nature can't be changed or fought, a good sarcastic analogy, is that would be like expecting Lions and...
  18. H

    Did I make a mistake not making a move?

    yup, definetley a huge major step, i can think of a sarcastic way of making a move on a woman, as i do make my move physically, i can speak at the same time, "okay i'm making my move on you because i'm a man and its what we do"
  19. H

    I'm afraid to have a relationship with someone because of my inexperience.

    yup, the reverse or the other way around is normally not true as much
  20. H

    I'm afraid to have a relationship with someone because of my inexperience.

    yup, reminds me of a quote or a statement that from a guy that only added fuel to fire, as for whiners get the leftovers, or better yet, nothing yet, because even unattractive women still get repulsed by men who have behave the same way men do that make them unattractive to the 9s and 10s