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    One of the most important posts ever!

    Hidden-Danjer, I just want to show that confidence is great but strategy is more important. It saves time and emotion and money. To say like Vassago said in your last post from the Hall of Fame: "If you get rejected SO WHAT" is ridiculous to me. Life doesn't have to...
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    One of the most important posts ever!

    Hidden-Danjer, That was the only IMPORTANT mistake. If he had asked for the number, He DID make all the others of course! I used to make all those mistakes myself. I won't say which ones. He,he,he!!! AD
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    One of the most important posts ever!

    P.S., Notice how SHE suggested the movies (not HIS first date idea) and brought a couple with her. She didn't want to be alone with him. He should have REJECTED the movie idea, and made a counter-offer to do something else to test her interest. The he could have WEEDED her out...
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    One of the most important posts ever!

    He only made ONE mistake. He took her number. I keep trying to tell you guys when a women INITIATES a date or relationship she is not very serious. Women have a million reasons for asking you out. Very few are for romantic purposes. This guy blamed himself. That's a...
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    Never Ask To Become Exclusive

    Hidden-Danjer, I wish you all the happiness in the world with her. Enjoy life and have fun. I enjoyed talking to you tonight. Give her a big kiss when you see her. Talk to you later. AD
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    Never Ask To Become Exclusive

    Hidden-Danjer, Did she say "I was wondering about that too?". Or "I'm glad you brought this up"? I used to mention it first myself. One girl said that she wanted to know about that. Did she act RELIEVED? Did she act like you defused a bomb? A woman can like a guy a...
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    Never Ask To Become Exclusive

    Becoming exclusive with a woman means the both of you talk about not dating or seeing anyone else. The dating with others comes to an end. Never ask a women to become exclusive. She must ask YOU. She must talk about it FIRST. Why? If a woman hasn't asked you yet it means she is...
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    AD, Red-XL what are your formulas?

    Testosterone Boy, Whenever you hear yourself saying "women like creativity. or 'WOMEN LIKE...' stick your finger in a light socket. You have it REVERSED. You should be saying to her "I like skiing. Do you?" "I like bowling. Do you?" You don't give a girl what SHE...
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    AD, Red-XL what are your formulas?

    Dee-zy, Red's post and your post were similar. But I have given Red suggestions before in June. It took over an hour to write that. These questions come up over and over again. Tomorrow night someone will ask it again. I get tired sometimes of writing the same thing over...
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    AD, Red-XL what are your formulas?

    P.S., No flowers, cards, or gifts for about three months. The fun times will make up for that. The 'nice guy' routine is over. After she tells you she loves you, THEN buy her some flowers. But don't over do it. AD
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    AD, Red-XL what are your formulas?

    Red43, That's a lot of ground to cover buddy. I'll try. To save time I won't give rules and stuff. This is me. I always approach women by giving 'unsolicitated advice'. Ever have someone make a comment and you didn't ask for advice? Annoying isn't it? But it works with...
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    The Don Juan Pledge of Honor

    Vassago, What you really mean has it ever failed? Like anything else it doesn't always work. Here are two failures: I called one womean after four days and she said she was sick and didn't think she would be well enough for saturday. I called seven days later and she said her...
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    The Don Juan Pledge of Honor

    Anjo, You call a MINIMUM of four days. Your only calling days are monday, tuesday, wednesday. NEVER call thursday thru sunday. She will have made plans for the week end. Trips, aunts flying in, etc. This is simple. If you get a number on your calling days call the FOLLOWING...
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    The Don Juan Pledge of Honor

    Of course. You are telling the woman you have no other girls in your life. That you are a lonely guy and that you have no LIFE! She must wonder if she will be the one you ask out next week. YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT AND COMPARE HER TO OTHER WOMEN and make a decision. That's what she...
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    The Don Juan Pledge of Honor

    'The Don Juan Pledge of Honor' I am a Don Juan. I promise on my honor I will never call a girl in less than four days. I assure my fellow Don Juans I will always faithfully ask for the number and will never walkaway from a girl without it. I will always be loyal to the Law of...
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    What's Your Number?

    Krynnster or Mello Mel Help! I want to delete the above reply. I tried to edit it but couldn't. Please nobody answer it. I was trying to erase it and made a mistake.
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    What's Your Number?

    edited out. AD [This message has been edited by Anti-Dump (edited 06-26-2000).]
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    What's Your Number?

    Dizgal, Soon you will realize I think very highly of women. I think they are SMART and STRONG that's why I am here! If they were unsmart and weak this Forum would shut down! Who would need it? AD
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    What's Your Number?

    Dmx, I want to apologize to you. I didn't mean for you to ask for the number without any conversation at all! I meant not to WORRY about saying the wrong things. Or to have a fancy speech ready. Or wonder what the girl is thinking. You do have to talk for more than a few...
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    What's Your Number?

    Dizgal, GREAT REPLY! I know you are a smart woman because you are here checking out what we men think. I want to say I'm sorry about that post. I was in a weird mood last night. I'm not usually like that. AD