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    Kill that desperation!

    Great post Pook! So true, so true. AD
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    Protect That Heart

    Thanks Terminator. But make it once a month. Take care. AD
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    Protect That Heart

    relapse, As soon as she realized you really loved her, her mission was over. Women are love seekers. As long as they are looking for love in you they will hang in there. But as soon as they find it, they are off with another dude to start the process over again. They must never be...
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    Protect That Heart

    You only get one heart. One to a customer. But you keep treating your heart like an enemy instead of a friend. Would you let a friend get hurt time and time again without protecting your friend? I think not. So why do you keep leaving yourself wide open and leave your heart to take all...
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    AD we need your input on how to be a mystery

    I really said the conversation about YOU kills the Mystery. But too much convo usually leads to TOO MUCH personal disclosure. Hence the action dates. They are your insurance against your big mouth. Once they know all about you they get bored. You must reveal yourself slowly over many...
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    AD we need your input on how to be a mystery

    Hi IQ, That's what you do. You try to disclose as little info about you as possible. You do this by giving very general and VAGUE answers. Short and sweet. Then you turn the convo back to her. Her: Do first dates make you nervous? You: Once in a great while. How about you? Her: What kind of...
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    Take some chances, and don't get too mathematical! _PLEASE READ_

    You are right. They just haven't learned "You don't know a Good One until you met a Bad One." They just don't know what pain is yet. They are too darn healthy!!! Also, they don't have a problem with the immutable Laws of Physics. But when it comes to the Laws of Dating they freak...
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    Take some chances, and don't get too mathematical! _PLEASE READ_

    Great post BBJ!, It's not a RANDOM happening like you said. If you 'wing it' you get your wings clipped! Women CHOOSE certain types of men . That's the secret we have all been waiting for. The good part is that each of us has these qualities inside us already. We just have to...
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    Take some chances, and don't get too mathematical! _PLEASE READ_

    reply wthdrawn. [This message has been edited by Anti-Dump (edited 11-25-2000).]
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    Take some chances, and don't get too mathematical! _PLEASE READ_

    reply withdrawn. [This message has been edited by Anti-Dump (edited 11-25-2000).]
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    AD we need your input on how to be a mystery

    IQ, I'll have to answer this in a day or two because it's going to be a long answer. I will reply though. AD
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    On techniques & focus.....a bit technical

    BigBadJon, I'm glad someone understands what I'm talking about. The communication/action strategy is my own. But it is based on Men Are From Mars/ Women are from Venus by John Gray. This book is the best book ever written about relationships. Don't get married without reading it...
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    On techniques & focus.....a bit technical

    I keep telling you that 'signs' are unreliable and are a waste of time to look for. Women HIDE (!) their true feelings. They conceal them until they are absolutely sure. That process takes months and months in a relationship. And you want them to show it before? Never going to happen...
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    Getting a number doesnt mean high interest...why?

    Exactly. I meant that you still have alot of control. The focus will be on you, not HIM as I advise guys here. If there is a guy you are not sure of, he will probably stick around for quite awhile before he realizes you only have a medium level of interest. With my advice a woman gets...
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    Getting a number doesnt mean high interest...why?

    Sorry Pimpstress Keka. That is traditional dating wisdom. But it is simply not true. This is why nice guys give up their 50% in a relationship. The guy is IN CONTROL. The guy asks for your number. If he doesn't ask nothing happens. That's control. The guy keeps you waiting with you...
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    On techniques & focus.....a bit technical

    You are on the Road to Romance Poet. You are going to score bigger than you ever have before. I had three different girlfriends as I changed from nice guy to Don Juan. The weight of each girlfriend was fifty pounds LESS than the last! Soon you won't believe what you can...
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    On techniques & focus.....a bit technical

    Any thoughts of more or less wordy ways of stating this? -Poet Yea. I have some. Just focus on the single word 'NUMBER' when you are talking to a woman. And then focus on the single word 'YES' when you call to ask for a date. You only need TWO words Poet. Number and Yes...
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    Getting a number doesnt mean high interest...why?

    The reason could be two things. Maybe it doesn't work for young guys. Someone mentioned that. I have to think about it. I know if you ask a mature woman for her number she won't give it out that easily and will usually say "we can meet somewhere" or "maybe I'll see you here next week"...
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    Getting a number doesnt mean high interest...why?

    So far so good. None told you to take a hike. I like that. Well, you didn't say what each girl said. What they say is important. It tells you where you went wrong. I know it's alot of work, but I need to see a brief list of what each girl said the first time and whether or not you called...
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    Getting her on YOUR turf

    Great post. I'll say one thing. This would be a test of VERY HIGH interest for sure. AD