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  1. forcerecon01

    How Many Of You Look Younger Than Your Age?

    growth hormone helps a ton with looking younger.
  2. forcerecon01

    What i've learned about the law the last decade.

    Yeah mainly treadmill
  3. forcerecon01

    No Expiration Date for Sex

    Times are changing
  4. forcerecon01

    Nightlife is dead

    Me too but I live my own life
  5. forcerecon01

    Nightlife is dead

    stay positive in the process
  6. forcerecon01

    Nightlife is dead

    Good luck getting laid. I'm sexless too. I don't crave sex like I used to
  7. forcerecon01

    Nightlife is dead

    It's bad where I'm at too. Sausage fest outside of campus
  8. forcerecon01

    No real motivation to meet/date girls anymore

    Cool .... Just a suggestion.
  9. forcerecon01

    No real motivation to meet/date girls anymore

    I think Buddhism would help you a lot in that you come across as too attached to the outcome.
  10. forcerecon01

    No real motivation to meet/date girls anymore

    True........ I believe it's hoeflation that sucks in today's market.
  11. forcerecon01

    How did women respond to you when you said "Hey pretty lady"

    Its okay to say that once in a great while . Just dont make a habit out of it.
  12. forcerecon01

    How did women respond to you when you said "Hey pretty lady"

    Takes balls to say that in a feminized society
  13. forcerecon01

    How many women should you be with before even considering a Relationship?

    awesome that you have the options to decline a ltr. If its a guarantee I would hold off and build wealth first. Not all guys have a abundant mindset to know that girls are a dime a dozen
  14. forcerecon01

    What the hell is going on in SE Asia?

    Wouldn't hurt lol
  15. forcerecon01

    Female mind -

    Girls aren't good with computers. That's my experience anyways
  16. forcerecon01

    Female mind -

    Maybe she unintentionally blocked you by mistake? I say call her up or talk to you in person so you know for sure