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  1. S

    Kanye West's new album

    Its not hard, but getting that cool layered sound, is not possible with just a keyboard and an original idea. Hip Hop is sampling. I hate glossy synth beats. If a guy were to replicate a song like "we major" he would need a brass section. string section, and a host of session musicians, plus...
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    Learn from Seinfeld

    any fans of curb your enthusiasm?? Im such a larry david fan.
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    I am pathetic and I need help...I just dont want to die alone

    You suck :down: Go out there and play the game, **** aint that hard. Check your pants, where are ur ballz mang:confused: sorry
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    Is marriage even worth it anymore?

    the problem is not finding anyone worth the effort to start the whole ltr-- to wifey transition with...I've seen marriages in my fam last for like 40-45 years..... I'm kind of picky and stuck up
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    Falling in love with someone you can't have?

    I thought that hoes as friends was covered in the first page of the dj bible.
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    training jujitsu and thai boxing

    it can't hurt, but just like djing u need the correct mindset to really destroy another man. Check out SDF
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    A Serious Fallacy on this website regarding success

    So true.... Some canned line from the bible isn't you. I use my humor and get the girls laughing, sometimes even calling them on their BS brings them closer.
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    Best book

    yeah mang the 48 laws is a nice book. Have you read the art of seduction yet??? Other good books--- Pat Conroy the lords of discipline and Beach music he puts so many subplots into his book:)
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    Reality just hit

    I'm tired of writing about this. It is good to know that most of you have a can-do attitude.
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    A Serious Fallacy on this website regarding success

    Oddly enough, the powers of MAVEC are true. I have used it with much success, it doent hurt that I have the sexiest flirtiest eyes ever.
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    A Serious Fallacy on this website regarding success

    I practice direct game with a bit of levity all day long everywhere I go. So I doubt I come on strong. I have never been a fan of the universal life of the party guy model. At times I am that guy busting jokes in the back (when Im with all my pals), but I like being that guy who comes from the...
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    Reality just hit

    Sals you make a good point regarding how age can allow someone to have a better picture of the problem. Contradicted the forum-- oh noooo!!! My definition of a natural is one who doesn't have to try to be attractive, one who doesn't have to work at it. One who is always the center of...
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    A Serious Fallacy on this website regarding success

    Good post Is introversion such a bad thing? I often sit alone in my classes and chat up a few ppl I like and know afterwards. I'm more of a 1-on1 kind of guy. I would rather take someone away from the group and give them attention than play the jester. If I spot a girl I want, I dont...
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    Reality just hit

    YES we can change. I will never believe that every guy who works hard at being a DJ or a PUA will eventually reach this goal. I think that ppl can only change themselves and that the outside world is a different battle. Im not trying to give anyone here a reason not to change, look...
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    What do you do in your free time?

    easy i dont realy have any free time. Maybe a few hours every night between 12-3am, cant do shi.t for the next 8 months.
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    Reality just hit

    no one claimed it couldn't be done, most agree that it is a hard thing to do, especially for someone older who has more scars. **** I bet Im a bigger FORCE than you, but I know most of the lames here aren't going to make some epic change that will turn them into a lady killa. I think that if...
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    Reality just hit

    I think the poise is from being treated as if she/he is important. We talked about this in my interpersonal comm class last week: People who are treated well by their peer group from an early will always be treated well, things can change, but for the most part they will always have that...
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    Did this dude handle this situation rite?

    Who gives a fuc.k??? He was up against the wall with that
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    Reality just hit

    It is harder for an older person to change, they have so much negativity to deal with. It can be done, but with much effort. An ugly guy who goes to the gym and buffs up, is now an ugly guy with a nice body... Fatties have the greatest chance to really enhance their attractiveness...
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    Is marriage even worth it anymore?

    Can't find anyone decent, ANYWHERE:down: I'm just in the dumps concerning everything....... All a women would do is nag me to death, I have enough negative self talk. **** it