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  1. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    So, basically you agreed with everything I said. Yeah, not so much. It requires being exceptionally careful about what, how often and when you eat and an extreme level of dedication to weight training. Go to any gym, go to a 100 if you care to, and ask yourself how many of the men in the...
  2. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    Notice that absolutely no one aside from myself and one other person has any specific figures of lay counts of these mythical "chads." Yeah, it's 1 to 2 a month, and that's very rarely long term.
  3. B

    "Model" Turns Down 25,000 Guys LOL!

    A 7 is pushing it. She's a 6... for her age group. I thought asian chicks aged gracefully? Not so much with this girl. Let's review: Jawline of a 'roid raging bodybuilder? Check Gigantoid head? Check Nasty gaps between her teeth? Check A-cup, breast development of a 10 year old? Check Some...
  4. B

    "Model" Turns Down 25,000 Guys LOL!

    First of all, the standards for "models" must have sunk faster than the titanic in recent years if this chick is a "model." Holy sh-t, she's barely a 6/10! Nonetheless, tinder users must have stevie wonder level vision, as she has received 25,000 likes. She dated 500 of those men (2% success...
  5. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    lol, dude I agree that strength training is important. I've already noted that several times. I'm simply pointing out that you've ditched your original question (which you do again in your post above), which is whether it helps you get laid. The answer is that it doesn't. Anyway, back to...
  6. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    So basically he changed the topic from a question: does it help you get laid more often to a whiny, naggy lecture about how you're not really a man unless you constantly pump iron in your basement or garage with a 5 gallon jug of gatorade by your side.
  7. B

    PUA does 5000 approaches with no success!

    It's too bad those guys were misled by a handful of sneaky snake oil salesmen. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....fool me 5,000 times, well....
  8. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    LMAO! Yeah, definitely not Tebow lol. It's not that simple. As I already stated, life happens: actual games, practice, classes (not always), study sessions, workouts, recovery, travel. These take up 40 to 60 to 70 hours a week. There certainly are opportunities with select niches of women...
  9. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    If only it were true, I'd be happy to say so. Only I went to those parties as well, and clubs and bars with those same guys. The only guy who had hot girls was the heisman candidate. He was with two cute girls to be specific. They weren't 10's by any means, but they were above average college...
  10. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    Reality check: the rothschilds aren't posting on forums trying to convince people that they're rich either, unlike SOME posters on soauve lol. Dude didn't even double check before quadruple posting so he doesn't realize he contradicted himself 4x in 4 posts lol.
  11. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    This guy just contradicts himself over and over again in every single post lol. Notice he edited his post after getting caught in a lie lol.
  12. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    LOL wilt chamberlain claimed 20,000 thousand lays. He then revised that figure upwards to counter all the hate. No wait, he later claimed a 1,000. Chances are he lied about that too.
  13. B

    The Myth of Chad (Who Has a Thousand Lays)

    I've been in the game for a decade now, and have known several guys who are or were considered top level players. I've been more of a relationship guy but had my fun in between relationships. The reality is, the "chad of a thousand lays" is more an incel internet meme than a reality. The...
  14. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    It can help only if you were very obese to begin with. For someone who is already of normal weight, not so much. Also, you can drink more water without working out. Lifting doesn't dehydrate you, btw, aerobic activity does. Also, the water you drink to rehydrate doesn't offer extra hydration for...
  15. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    Fitness doesn't improve facial symmetry, nor does it help with hydration.
  16. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    I never said appearance doesn't matter. It's obviously the no.1 factor. However, the no. 1 factor in appearance is your face, not your body. If your face is handsome and your body somewhere within the average range, you'll be far more attractive than a guy with an ugly mug and a ripped...
  17. B

    PUA does 5000 approaches with no success!

    Taunt him all you want but that incel f*cker at least tried, which is a lot more than many of you can say, especially during this fake crisis.
  18. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    Do whatever works for you. Although I believe weight/resistance/strength training of some kind is essential, to answer your question, no, it doesn't give you an advantage in dating. It's just too easy to find endless examples of jacked guys who aren't getting laid.
  19. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    Not to mention the deranged, mentally ill homeless who have colonized all local parks and rec trails. If that's not enough to deter you, there are the millions of masked zombies out and about creeping up anything and everything. The outdoors is truly a nightmare.
  20. B

    How Important Is A Muscular Body?

    Well, here's the truth. Anecdotal "evidence" from 2 or 3 anonymous forum members isn't the way to go about forming a conclusion. I could cite dozens of examples, even from a single night out, of muscleheads who are not getting any action, hence the term gymcels.