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  1. G


    I agree with Casanova, If Brian had the skills of a DJ, he would have achieved a better result, which may or may not have landed the babe. I am not sure where Brian would land in a scale of 1 to 10 for a woman, but I think that most women would consider him around a 5 or maybe worse. The...
  2. G

    Signs of that a woman is a Playerette

    I agree with JohnnyLegard & myfriendblu: The skills a woman posses in the mind games range from the completely naive to the ruthless manipulater. Women are just people like us with faults and capabilities. So, just like us, there will be safe women and dangerous playerettes. Evidence...
  3. G

    The LTR...

    They say the first 4 to 6 months of an LTR don't count at all. Evaluate it from this point onwards. I've been in 2 LTR's and this has happened for both. Shake things up, destroy the routine, keep her guessing so she doesn't get too comfy with you and doesn't take you for granted. Make her...
  4. G

    Going from AFC->DJ; Like Puberty All Over Again

    Like The Matrix Thanks for the encourage ment guys. I really do know that now I am on the right path, and I know there will be pitfalls, but as long as I learn from them, I will continue to improve. In college, I was perhaps doing things unaware. There were alot of girls around, and I...
  5. G

    Going from AFC->DJ; Like Puberty All Over Again

    Hey DJ's, I read the Bible, particularly the post by one of the guys who said that the journey from AFC to DJ is a lonely one, as you leave behind AFC and Coward Jerk friends. I know and understand that in order to be a DJ, you have to work on your internal persona first. Well, back...
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    Signs of that a woman is a Playerette

    The info I got was from and was written by the author only known as "The Player". I guess what some of these Playerrettes do is string along a few guys for specific purposes. One guy to pay the bills, the other guy for free dinners, one guy for sex and another guy is the "boy...
  7. G

    Signs of that a woman is a Playerette

    I just read an article about women who are playerettes and some of the warning signs: 1. When the conversation is going too smoothly. 2. When she is always setting the schedule for dates. (She always wants to be in the driver's seat). 3. When she doesn't show signs of affection in public...
  8. G

    All women are fuccing sluts.

    Are we a little angry/bitter about something? ;)
  9. G

    What a girl wants, I have figured it out!

    I agree with DankNuggs. To describe what you must be in order to be a DJ would take much more than one post to describe. Its complex, which is why it is difficult to master and put into practice for beginners and intermediates (me). But it is not like an axiomatic doctrine that you follow...
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    Marketing guys???? Your ideas can be GOLD!

    Hello there, I am in the midst of an MBA program. I am finding that alot of business concepts, particularly in regards to sales, marketing and negotiations, apply well to the dating scene: Being a good listener and analying what the customer says to find out if they are a warm or cold...
  11. G

    The funny, talkative guy or the mysterious, mature, quiet guy?

    Just work on improving your inner self. Maintain high confidence, good physcial fitness, and good grades for future success. Don't be shy and just keep talking to women. Simultaneously be mysterious but let your humor come shining through. There isn't a real cookie cutter strategy, because...
  12. G

    Mid 20's and up DJ's in Boston?

    hey all, I was wondering if there are any DJ's in her in their mid20's and up from Boston. I am in the midst of training to be a DJ, and I would like the opportunity to see a master in action.
  13. G

    Dont you love makin an ass out of girls that think they are the sh*t?? Listen to this

    I think you had the right idea. I may have been a little more diplomatic and said, "Why don't you buy the first round? and I'll get the next one." ;) CLOONEY, you may be on to something there. Believe it or not, alot of the super hot ones get sick and tired of the Jerks and the Wimps that...
  14. G

    next or not

    I agree with CyranoDeBergerac, I wouldn't string her along and play word games with her. What goes around comes around. If you found out a girl was stringing you along you would next her in a second right? If you're getting laid and action from other girls, just cut this one loose. Another...
  15. G

    HB Rating Contest?

    Oh. Ok, i didn't realize this has already been done before. Can't see the pics anymore, but the results definetly vary. Oh well...
  16. G

    HB Rating Contest?

    I think we should do a test. Someone should post a picture of a girl, and other people give her a rating. I bet we would get alot of variations in the ratings from person to person.
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    Caught Up In Infatuation.

    I agree with the other guys. You're in a shytty situation. If her bf screws up and they break up, there is no guarantee she is going to choose you. Moreover, (I don't know how long they've been going out), you don't want to be her rebound guy either. I am assuming you're in the frame of...
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    I Am So Confused.

    Well you said that she doesn't like him. You never said they actually hooked up right? So, what is the problem? Sounds like this dude has either a superiority complex, or he is hiding behind this personna, rejecting girls before they have a chance to reject him; like a coward. Stop...
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    I'm full of doublestandards and what should I do

    This girl is insecure and needy. She played a jealously game on you to try to make you mad. If she plays these kind of games within the first month of interacting with her, imagine all the mind games she will be playing if you guys actually became exclusive. Tell her she should grow up and...
  20. G

    Speed dating again: Did i just get blown off by HB8?

    Most likely a blow off. When you make an offer and she refuses, the burden is on her to counteroffer with you on the phone during the conversation. She didn't though and told you she would text you; which is ridiculous. She should call you. If there is no immediate counteroffer then she is...