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  1. J

    What do you rate this chick? 1-10

    why you ask if you don't accept other people's ideas? in my book, she's barely a 6... and i'm into blondes... they are all 9s to me...
  2. J

    What every skinny guy should know...

    i'm no skinny by any means, i'm 5'9 and 156 lbs
  3. J

    What do you do after school?

    italian school is pretty tough, so usually people don't have time to hang out after school, besides saturday afternoon and sunday. i usually just have a walk downtown, listen to some music, lift some weights, work on my website or whatever...
  4. J

    What every skinny guy should know...

    wouldn't weigh 180 lbs or more make someone shorter than 5'10 seem like a wall of bricks? i mean, if you are 10% or less bodyfat, you would look impressive at the beach, but when you have your clothes on, you would look pretty bad...
  5. J

    The Don Juan Pickup Artist

    oh God, may I be one of them!
  6. J

    FR: Wanna be alpha? Learn from the Master!

    great inspirational post, lifeforce!
  7. J

    Percent of birth to unwed mothers

    yes, but i don't think palermo (the mobsters' city), naples and cagliari are any better than baltimore, st louis and gary... maybe they are not as hard to live in as some places in compton, camden and detroit, but i can't believe those stats actually apply...
  8. J

    Showing your body

    if you wear a tight pullover, you won't get sweat staines... i mean, nobody will be able to see them. i also wear tight zipped up jacket, letterman like if you have a nice @ss, what about some jeans that are loose on the frontside, but tight in the rear end?
  9. J

    Percent of birth to unwed mothers

    it serves no purpose for a don juan site, but this is anything else and everything interesting is welcome. are you sure those stats are right? i hardly believe it, since it can't be possible that half of the newborn are from unwed mothers... i don't know well american reality, but here in...
  10. J

    Bi girlfriend

    personally, i wouldn't mind at all, until she doesn't seem to prefer her over me. anyway, that's just me... probably, most guys wouldn't accept their girlfriend having another girlfriend
  11. J

    she wont get off!

    phobic is right, since my girlfriend is just like that. when i asked her why she wouldn't cùm, she told me exactly what he's been told. anyway, the few times i managed to get her off, she squirted a lot and greatly enjoyed it
  12. J

    another one on creatine

    i weigh 155 lbs and i want to get as soon as possible (no more than a month) to 165 lbs. is it ok to take 3 g of creatine before training and another 1.5 grams after? or should i take more/less? how should i divide it?
  13. J

    Muscles To Big for Age

    that's the kind of stuff you usually do when you are 12, not 15...
  14. J

    Is it more acceptable for men to be fat than women?

    Re: Chicks accepts guys of all forms guys you are mentioning don't get too much pùssy... anyway, lots of short people who get it (tom cruise, mel gibson, antonio banderas, eminem...)
  15. J

    1 day split???

    the only reason people work out more than once a week when bulking is to avoid gaining too much fat. however, since you do lots of cardio, that won't be your problem. anyhow, you need to eat sh1tloads of food EVERY DAY, not just the day you workout. i suggest that you should do a whole body...
  16. J

    girlfriend has a bush...

    you have never seen her bush so far? how long have you two been together? anyway, i like bushes...
  17. J

    40 users? whats goin on?

    i'm also getting it pretty often recently. anyway, it doesn't mean that the maximum amount of users allowed to connect contemporarily is 40... 40 is just the line where the "max-user-connections" is specified in the php script that works this forum
  18. J

    what is skinny/thin/average/muscular...?

    that's why i think that everybody with those stats above 190-200 lbs is huge
  19. J

    Am I The Shortest?

    ?!?! i'd rather be 6'8 than less than 6'0, let alone 5'0... my ideal height chart is: 1st. 6'2 2nd. 6'3 3rd. 6'1 4th. 6'4 5th. 6'5 6th. 6'0 7th. 6'6 8th. 6'7 9th. 6'8 10th. 5'11 unless you're skinny, being over 6'3 is always an advantage over people below 6'0...
  20. J

    travelling through the old west

    i'm going by myself. i'm gonna do this, because i'd like to... i don't know why...