Thanks for the kudos, I am not doing it for the money. I do quite well with running my own company.
What most of the greenhorns don't realize that it takes a lot of time to document this. I live a very active, busy and happy life; and my time is at a premium. All I am doing is...
FR...NYC part 3.
We hit the street, GH is buzzing. Wizard hails a cab and we head to West 34th Street.
As the cab moves in the traffic of Manhattan, it does not cease to amaze me that at the middle of the night the streets are still packed with people. I gotta tell you too, that even though...
FR....NYC part 2
As we come out of the station, into the street I hear my phone beep.
I checked my messages; Amanda just left a VM telling me how she forgot to charge her phone and that it was really rude of me telling her not to call at all if it was after 7:30 PM, also to call her back...
FR....NYC part 1.
Saturday Night Major Sarge Campaign
After a major pep talk with GH we agreed to head out to New York City about 9:PM.
We had previously agreed with Jessica and Amanda to hit some salsa clubs in the City. I had told Amanda I was going to pick her and Jessica up. But...
Sapiens: <To HB7.65> "Hey, how are you?"
HB7.65:"Who the h3ll are you?" <Nasty look>
Sapiens:<Smile> "Satan, and you?"
HB7.65: "Not interested!" <Walking away>
Sapiens: "Well, I shall see you soon enough at home!"
HB7.65: <Shoots middle finger as walking away>...
Mmm...someone forgot to take their meds today; and I just hate when they leave the computers unattended at the psycho ward.:crackup:
h20, :crackup: Nope, no major skills here to brag about.
One thing though: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Yes, I would gladly have...
Feedback time....
Well, Wizard and I made it to my house at around 2:30PM.
Called Susan to get her opinion of GrassHopper, I need to know what she thinks of the guy and see if I can use any of the feedback to help GrassHopper.
She tells me that GH is dull and was very nervous talking to...
Well, GrassHopper makes it through his first week!
Friday and Saturday night were a blast and I am sure GH learned a lot.
Here is the scoop:
My best wingman is Wizard and he came up from Philadelphia for the weekend, Him and I gave GH a lesson in steel-balls building.
Dude, you don't claim to be a DJ, as a matter of fact, your actions are what makes you a DJ.
It's like calling yourself a philosopher, can't do it, only the recognition by others as such can make you so.
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