If you find lying necessary I really doubt you understand seduction. You suffer alot of dissonance and it is, so, obvious if you read the last thread you opened about happiness vs attraction. You have so much to learn about seduction and life.
I wish the best for you.
Real DJ's seduce EVERYONE...
Self-pity + selfishness= FOOL
If you break up your marriage over what you just posted you deserve to be ran over by a truck. Why not rewrite your marriage contract with your wife??? What I mean by marriage contract is that every relationship has unspoken rules, and maybe you should work on...
this post couldn't have been posted at a better time. I was seriously thinking all weekend about how much idle time I have in my life, and how instead of watching tv, listening to music, or wasting time on the internet-- I should be doing something that actually improves my life.
Aren't there 2 types of oral herpes-- the kind that is sexual transmitted and the other type that is harmless???
Here's a questions can you transfer herpes simplex to your own genetial region???
The biggest thing I fear in cycling is getting out of my neighborhood. I live in GA and it is hilly as hell. I've been riding around in the car looking for different routes and shyt hills hills hills everywhere.
fk all that HB shyt.......
the only thing that matters is...
girls you can fk
girls you can't fk
girls you want to fk
girls you do not want to fk
Plus there is no such thing as a HB10.
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