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  1. D

    shat all over that sh!t test

    ...I think? ***Lots of fluff talk*** then... (17:03:14) Dj how about we meet on wed at 745? (17:03:21) Dj XYZ (17:04:37) HB8hk alright (17:04:50) HB8hk are there restaurants there? i havent been to XYZ ever (17:05:10) Dj oo ok (17:05:18) Dj yea there are tons of restaurants there haha...
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    dj_china's FR

    I get this text just now (how much of a loser am I for coming to post this on sosuave 30 minutes after getting it?? lool): "dj, this is HB7tall, [mutual friend]'s tall asian friend met u at barXYZ u seem cool so i decided to ask [mutual friend] for ur # we should grab lunch next week i knw its...
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    Famous historical people's quotes on the oppoiste sex

    I'd like to hear some quotes from Attila
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    the best music for...

    ...the first time a girl is back at your place. singles, albums, all suggestions are welcome
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    dj_china's FR

    China has toons of clubs. and 1B+ people. so there are definitely partiers here haha. most people I party with are expats though, or students from other schools. thanks for the advice, this is something I'm working on too. one part has been logistics issues though since I'm living with...
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    Does watching stand-up comedy make you funnier?

    of course. you pick up habits from people around you. if you surround yourself with stand up comedians YOU WILL GET funnier. watching standup is obviously not as effective as hanging around standup comedians, but certainly the effect is there
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    Does C&f apply for every girl?

    I think ****y and funny needs to be calibrated depending on the woman. women who are hit on less will be more receptive to nice guys. in that case you can go straight to building comfort and rapport. ****y and funny is a gamble. this is because you are essentially being light hearted and...
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    creating value?

    I discovered this recently: invite multiple social circles out and then introduce them to each other. you know everybody best there, so you are naturally the leader. and you get to tell everybody "my friends are coming" "this friend got a reservation at that club" "friend hosting afterparty...
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    !0 for 15!??!!?!?!?

    can I have a night out with you Mistic? :)
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    Seriously: This pvssified forum is at an all time low - A little history lesson

    i agree with your analysis but what was the point of this post? trying to improve the forums? coming back to give some more advice?
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    dj_china's FR

    in my opinion, the majority of Asians are indeed more conservative, but there are still a good number that are not. also, fobby asian guys have much less game and are pretty much huge AFCs so playing c&f, push/pull works a lot better in China at least. girls are more used to getting the...
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    How to Pick Up while at Work

    with 2 minutes you have to use really direct game, and you're probably going to encounter a lower success rate than usual but I'd imagine if you were just really outgoing and friendly, chicks will generally like you. but as ****ynfunny said, you could get fired if you are too forward with...
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    FR: Shaking off the Rust in Hong Kong

    Shanghai, you be around?
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    Every man for himself?

    I'm like you. and I don't respect guys who zone in. I'm all about bros before hos. to me, the guy who zones in without respect to what you said is A) terrible friend B) find another ho, you zoning in on my ho = needy
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    dj_china's FR

    update: 3rd group from Friday night went home for a house party after going clubbing, and invites me. I bring some people over (all dudes)...because HB8.5usc went home along with the rest of the girls. despite the lameness of the house party, I text HB8.5usc afterwards dj (5am): you're...
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    dj_china's FR

    Thursday This was an amazingly fun night, social proof through the roof, just having fun. this is what my other nights should be modeled on. it started at a low key bar -- I got there early with one of my friends, 'K', and just played a little bit of dice and some light drinking. 2 more...
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    FR: Shaking off the Rust in Hong Kong

    nice with the numbers, I'd like to hear followups with these can you explain a little more why a kiss breaks sexual tension? if you had kissed HBadultvideo you'd have a better precedent set up for the next date, IMO
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    Women stuck on "dinner and a movie"

    just play it off dj: "bar xyz at 9pm" hb: "lets do dinner and movie instead!" dj: "wow you move really fast! girls dont get dinners with me until second date, let alone dinner AND a movie" also, in my opinion, paying for a girl is fine -- I'm not stingy. BUT the problem with paying is it sets...
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    what to do with a chick after you **** her

    good idea, I guess the warning is better than suddenly kicking them out the next morning. I just hope they don't provide resistance to this idea the next morning, then **** could get ugly =/
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    dj_china's FR

    WOW its been a while. haven't really focused on game that much while in school -- been playing way too much poker for that, haha. so the chicks in my life right now: HB6 this was back in April. hooked up on the dance floor, it was really hot, we were practically having sex except that our...