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  1. D

    escalating too fast on the dance floor

    I was at a club a few days ago and there was an HB8.5 dancing by herself surrounding by about 5 dudes. I didn't try to get in that circle just yet, but I danced around them, and flirted with some girls nearby -- not sure if she noticed because every time I looked over we didn't make eye contact...
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    what to do with a chick after you **** her

    so I'm starting work soon and I just realized that it might be a problem if chicks sleep over at my place, and then I go to work the next morning... what do you guys do with the chicks? just leave them in your house alone? I'm not sure if I'm cool with that if its a ONS or if its some chick I...
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    sageproduct's senior year field reports.

    hey man keep it up, it looks like your c&f speech is improving a lot -- I'm going to start stealing some of your lines :p regarding asking about her sickness, I think its fine that you ignored it. when I read your conversation I didn't even notice that you didn't ask about it, since the...
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    directing conversation flows

    hm yea I guess if she enjoys the topic its good to stay on it -- but at the end, its still only chit chat, which leads to friend zone I guess the way I look at it is...if its a conversation she could have with her girlfriends, then it's not the right kind of conversation I want to be having...
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    dj_china's FR

    some more updates: 2 more kiss closes, but both were on the dance floor (my first 2 dance floor hookups btw!) it's a lot easier than I thought. and I also feel that my dancefloor game has improved tremendously -- I feel confident that I can get these DFMO's every time I go on the dance floor...
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    directing conversation flows

    I haven't been here in a while, but I just had just about the worst conversation in my life with an HB9 acquintance HB9: hey I need to ask you a question dc: nope :p HB9: I'm going to ask you anyways. how was your semester abroad? dc: blah blah HB9: [more stupid questions] dc: blah blah...
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    Date idea to be field tested Monday - thoughts?

    id like to see a FR afterwards =)
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    AtillaTheHun's field reports and general life awesomizing

    curious why you got nicknamed Attilathehun? you should probably be learning from Nick -- he is enjoying himself which is the most important thing. this is attractive in and of itself. and if he's friendly and a good conversationalist to boot, but doesnt try to hard at it, thats what you want to...
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    This is horrible. A "The Art of Seduction" review lol

    the review itself sounds fake IMO but the list of consequences seems to have some merit...
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    Tell me about your successful cold approaches

    see my FR with HB9 (its pretty early so you won't have to read that much) honestly though, I find it difficult to develop social circle game from these -- only after knowing her for two months did I finally meet more of her friends. otherwise it was her meeting my friends or just us meeting...
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    sageproduct's senior year field reports.

    here's how I wouldh ave played Mel K 1) call, not text its much easier, and you cut out the fluff. honestly, I get tired of texting a lot -- and I think girls probably get sick of it too if they get texted by a lot of guys. setting up a date by phone -- 5 minutes, done. buuut based on...
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    bad sexual performance (linked to me stopping my work outs?)

    well first thing would be to try taking the supplements again? thats a lot easier than motivating yourself to hit the gym if you say you cant and if that doesnt work, then at least you know what the problem is. THEN, you should be motivated enough to hit the gym =)
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    dj_china's FR

    HB7ir met her and kissed her two days later in the movie theatre my kiss close rate at the movies is 5 for 5 in China. I guess any girl agreeing to see a movie with you 1 on 1 in China means she is interested? however with some chinese girls it impossible to escalate beyond that unless you are...
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    How to deal with disrespect and arrogance?

    vs males or females?
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    increasing energy level...

    right -- even when people approach you, you don't really feel like holding a conversation. let alone being an interesting person and trying to build rapport, etc. so you're saying just by forcing yourself to do this, you will actually come out of the slump naturally?
  16. D

    increasing energy level...

    sometimes I just feel really unexcited in a club or social atmosphere, like I don't want to talk to anybody I'm not tired -- if I am, I will just fall asleep but I just don't feel like talking to anybody else, and just want to leave and go home. Does this happen to anybody else? and what...
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    Girls bring up Sex topics

    i like "what did you learn" its hard to deal just with mentalities though... like what would be a good response to "my parents caught me having sex once"
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    Going on a movie date, no experience here

    start off with dinner -- you will need more than 30-45 minutes for that kino escalation during movie is easy, and you will have two hours to get chummy. first you can get her hand, then arm around, and usually kiss close is pretty easy after you have been holding hands for an hour i'd...
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    fvck china

    haha ok i was trying to social proof you there but i guess not...:moon:
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    fvck china

    wow mongolian pole dancer. must've been smokin haha I think I'm a little more charitable to the chinese... definitely there are gold diggers, but I think the ones who want to be in a relationship -- its not because they want to be in love, but just want to be "in a relationship" that in...