Hang out with people of all races that are successful and your way inclined. Your problem is that you are hanging out with the less successful members of your race. In America there are loads of successful black people. Though these are in the minority compared to less well off ones.
What a rubbish article. Glad so many posters above corrected this unhelpful piece of $hit. Even if you are not confident, not yet super good looking, styled up etc etc, you still do it. All these small steps will help you become confident. And as others have said said above, once you become...
You can't really be friends with women. Either you want them or they want you. You could become friends with an average looking girl who you would not fvck but chances are she wants you.
OP of course all of its very true to one degree or another if you are a normal guy. Sadly ggr people who get into pua are not normal in that you get people with issues, lack of skills and all the rest.
These women you visit will think you are a loser. Well their opinion does not matter but if you ask me, visiting hookers is a no no. It will leave you feel $hitty afterwards. If you like 50+ and want to bang a 20 year old then by all means go for it. Otherwise don't do it.
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