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  1. S

    Snakes on a Plane!

    WTF!!! it was good??? I thought Sammy J was just taking another bad role in a shatty movie...
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    Can Anyone else just not stay up late?

    Maybe she's boring and her conversation is putting you to sleep.
  3. S

    High Quality Woman

    She needs a copy of the rules.
  4. S

    competition from other alpha males or aspiring alpha males

    Ignore him and continue to game her... Everyone fears putting a byatch on a pedestal... Welcome to life, where you compete with other men for women, money, and respect... You win the game when you get what you desire...
  5. S

    what kind of statements are DHV?

    you go into stage m3, then turn a 360, bring the convo back to m2, forward back to m3, mavec, IOI, ISE, MHW, get her to come home and then next her.
  6. S

    Women aint **** but hoes and tricks!

    Show class; not your ass --- is that the right spot for a semicolon? I could have written "show class and not your ass." OR "show class, and not your ass." Which one is right????
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    Sounds like you have it worked out...
  8. S

    womans taste in clothes?

    I don't dress according to trends, but I take free clothing from my GF all the time.
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    This is why you should work out!

    A great body is the great equalizer, and is the only way a man can truly become the prize...
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    N vs N why can't they say it video.******
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    High Quality Woman

    she looks average
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    East Coast vs. West Coast!

    why do people say "dirty jersey!!!!"
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    practice on a nice clean lady. I do a few time per week...
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    Seinfeld vs. Curb Your Enthusiasm.

    CYE Larry David is KING!!!
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    The 2 worst mistakes a man can make

    I dont want to marry some foreign chick that doesnt culturally mesh with me...
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    Three nights in the valley

    you are in the kingdom.
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    The Olsen twins look like monkeys

    I would lock them in a cage so that they never make a movie again.
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    Disgusted with Girls

    It sounds like you put up with too much shyt. There's no such thing as the perfect girl.
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    Can we make friends with beautiful girls??

    so you just want to talk and flirt.... that's it. Why are beautiful women so special to you?
  20. S

    What the hell happended?

    You just need better conversation skills and more experience...