There’s any number of ways the thesis can play out, most valuable is the thought process as it forms a conviction and framework, and then you position, pivot or simply do nothing which is an important position that many forget is possible also.
I am really interested to see how this plays out. Given that he’s constitutionally incapable of running again, he may be more inclined to push for wholesale manufacturing reemergence. Would it not be wild if Trump became the driving factor in the renewal of collective bargaining in the American...
I don’t know enough about the subject to know if it’s so easily feasible to mask the origin of a good from a country with a tariff. I would think that it would be possible to identify the item and I’m also pretty confident in the monetary systems ability to find the nexus of the shell company...
Warheads move in and out of the area for allies including Ukraine. One theory I heard is that since they’re flying at night, over picatinny arsenal and elsewhere, is that they are sniffing for radioactivity on the paths these munitions are passing through.
Get your money right in the year ahead.
Personal sufficiency is the ultimate confidence booster in all aspects of one’s life.
Some things (themes) to think about from a high level (aka macro) view to influence positioning in monetary and professional and personal affairs. Feel free to jump in...
It’s normal that when emotions run the decision process, other emotions come up later as a result of the outcomes from the actions taken in the emotional state. They’ll pass. Some may view it as a positive to have awareness on how emotions affected your decision making.
Honestly the only move that evening to even remotely have sparked anything would have been to just been the quintessential friend to everyone there, treated her exactly like anyone else and just gone home. I wouldn’t have asked her what her plans were, you thought you were shooting a shot but...
Before anything else, I had to be ready to want and go find help. Personally, I was ready to admit that in these types of situations, I was unable to control myself. I became deeply concerned about that as a father; professional and personal repercussions past and future pushed me to handle this...
Your responses are highly emotional. You remind me a lot of myself and I talk from experience. If you are like me, I was conditioned to feel the frustration physically develop inside me and power through to the mind, pushing a frustrated and rapid progressional snowball of angry, negative...
So I happen to say that as a bit of a reminisce to the bartender at my favorite bar by my old office. I won’t lie, she really had a spell on me. Cutest nose, beautiful smile, black hair, and gave off all the opposite vibes that our guy wasn’t getting here. Used to lean in, I would sit there and...
The irony is that those stigmatizing mental health are likely people that have issues themselves. Nobody of sound substance would discourage the betterment of someone else, it is irrational.
Pretty sure the mother of the woman I was dating faked an afib on the 35th bday of her and her twin brother. Two days in the hospital and ended up leaving with a clean bill of health. Is that sick or what.
If it’s a pattern, you would be the common denominator. A lot of good feedback here on how women tend to act in general, examine these relationships with this in mind and see if you find common patterns
I think you did great. There’s nothing else that can be done. Any normal person would understand that. Protecting her and getting out as soon as possible was the right and only move. You can’t just attack people, especially women for spitting on you. It may have also been a ploy, and you may...
Have you been screened for a mental illness, like bipolar? I mean this sincerely. You may not have the ability right now to throttle it back. That doesn’t excuse you from trying to figure the problem out. Be careful who and where you seek advice on this - some of these people on here are...
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