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  1. C

    The rise of Men Going Gay

    I don't think so. Maybe these people were gay to start with and just came out with it. You don't become that way if you are frustrated with the opposite sex.
  2. C

    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    She's YOURs when it's YOUR turn. Lets not kid ourselves.
  3. C

    Video on why nightlife is dying

    It could also be because you are getting older.
  4. C

    No motivation from dating anymore?

    What makes it astounding? You have expectations that woman, that are 40 year old or older are decent and younger girls are immature? That is not always the case.
  5. C

    Sex worker income predicts general recessions

    Personally I prefer the term hor. It sounds more raw. Just one syllible and the way the h sound comes out, plus it sounds funnier as it has a more light and dismissive tone. Like you know she is doing this with everyone.
  6. C

    Sex worker income predicts general recessions

    Most of the people who complain about jobs are those who have to do the 9-5, put up with crappy customers, and who have to stretch their pennies in order to barely make ends meet, and some still have to go to food-banks because they still can't afford both groceries and rent. Women choose sex...
  7. C

    She started to talk to me after I gave up.

    If she has a boyfriend then that means she can't reject you since she's not available in the first place. If she's not loyal to her boyfriend and is cheating on other guys while friendzoning you or feeding you breadcrumbs then I would distance myself from her if I were you because then that is...
  8. C

    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    Oh, I didn't know that. That avatar was changed prior to 2020 when there were racially heated arguements on this section. I got fed up with some of the arguments and made sure I put a Black actor as an avatar. Now that the rules are better enforced by admin, and I'm not seeing the same heated...
  9. C

    How many sexual partnesr is to much for girls?

    I asked this once on a first meeting of a girl in 2006. It was another nail in the coffin from a date from hell. Since that time, I dont ask anymore as it just brings out the worst.
  10. C

    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    I see what you are saying. Probably more guys will be viewing the "softcore porn" music video she made rather than be interested in attending her concerts. At least we know it's not gay to look at that because at least is like softcore porn within a singing lady instead of a fapping one...
  11. C

    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    This is Selena's concert back in 2015. The music video she made with the music seemed like some sort of soft core porn. You would have expected it to have been more guys that would have been into a song like that with an actual live concert, but was surprized that it's mainly hot young women...
  12. C

    Yuck….I just fapped to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

    Here is a doppelganger of a younger version of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez:
  13. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    Are are not talking about the public though. Just the tone deaf chadsplainers,.as well as some others, that dont get it. When people are freaking out over a $2 sub on OF and writing threads about it because they are worried about being shamed (and yet get a locked thread anyway) then you...
  14. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    Movie scene where one lady is willing to pay $1500 USD for her mother to call her "hon", and then her other friend takes up the money offer instead. If it was a guy as the main character, then people would call him a simp. What a double-standard.
  15. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    Some of the tricks used in the videos, to get a viewer more enthralled include as follows: 1) Telling the viewer that they understand these videos have to be sincere and how they are putting their whole heart into it to make it real...otherwise it's not the same, or it could sound hollow and...
  16. C

    Yuck….I just fapped to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

    These are the type of threads that are proving to get the reads and replies. The top seducers and incels, being opposite ends of the coin, get the most amount of views, replies and overall noise. Anything in the middle is boring. Average is always boring. Either the biggest champion or...
  17. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    Nope. You are making these stupid comments because I am too ugly to attract women? These types of guys are charming and handsome. Idiot.
  18. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    I just unintentially DHV big time with some real-life stories I shared with a younger girl. I have a 24 year co-worker saying she wants to keep in touch with me, I am like a great teacher and full of knowledge. She is aware I'm 48 years old. She has a bf though, but wow. Two day hold on...
  19. C

    Religious dating sites

    Yeah, I have a subscription to one. Have not met anyone yet.
  20. C

    Do you think that ASMR is a form of p0rn?

    Actually the OP or anyone else did not make a point of being touch starved and just said the vids were soothing. I took it up a notch and made it about being love-starved, but that strongly implies being touch starved as well. However, love starved in context means you dont have any personal...