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  1. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I'm not going to lie, I have had a tough night and day thinking about my ex. This time last year was a very special occasion for us and I was so convinced this was the woman I would spend my life with. I know it's over now and I'm doing a great job of rebuilding myself, but a lot of memories and...
  2. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Same experience here. My ex broke up with me towards the beginning of the year. She wrote me a 12 page letter explaining why and how much she loved me, then started asking to meet up and get back together. We got back together, but she expected me to make some changes. I'd been quite...
  3. Jariel

    I'm still having problems "letting go" and not letting the outcome affect me

    It takes time and practice. As a general rule, the more and the worse rejections you experience, the more immune you become to them. This is why a lot of PUAs promote the numbers game...just get out and hit on everyone, tally up your rejections and then put it down to experience. This is a...
  4. Jariel

    best course of action

    When a girl says "maybe" or "I don't mind" just forget about her. Even if she's playing cool, she will be such hard work and so demanding it's not worth your time and effort. Clearly she flaked on you. It happens a LOT and you have to expect it. The key is not to get caught up on these girls...
  5. Jariel

    I bought gifts for two chicks for Christmas and never even got a thank you..

    I'm hoping this post is intended in an ironic way, but unfortunately a lot of guys actually pull this sh1t and to be blunt, they deserve to be out of pocket. Perhaps eventually they will learn their lesson.
  6. Jariel

    Low carb, calorie counting or Intermittent fasting for a cut?

    Thank you for the detailed reply SoSuave666 and for all the input here. Well, I've been doing a combination of all 3 methods this past week. I've been intermittent fasting (8 hour eating window per day), restricting my calories to 2500-2800 and keeping my carbs moderate and avoiding all simple...
  7. Jariel

    Field/Lay Report: Another day, another Threesome! *Xmas Hookups to the Non-Believers*

    :up: Massive thumbs up dude!! :up: I really enjoyed reading this report and it sounds like you handled it so well. I love how you said you acted like it was all normal to you and how you were about to walk away when they refused to pay half the bill. Just perfect! I definitely believe...
  8. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    It depends how you want her to see you. If you want her to see you as strong, masculine and to respect you, then you must walk away and give her nothing at all. And above all, you will walk away respecting yourself! But if you want to guilt trip her by telling you how much you hurt, or have a...
  9. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Using my previous analogy, sending that text message would be like a fat chick eating a whole cake to try to impress her ex. Women always give lousy advice to men on break ups and relationships. It was actually my mom's idea for me to apologise to my ex and write a long letter...and this...
  10. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    This has happened to all of us. My girlfriend was obsessed with me too, told me she has never felt that way about anyone, was so clingy and would cry when I left her some times even...but things change. Imagine if the roles were reversed and you saw your girlfriend putting on weight and stop...
  11. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Like I say, No Contact is definitely the better way to handle it. Just leave her guessing and walk away with dignity. Unfortunately, many of us guys can't help ourselves and have to have the last word. So if you do, just make sure it shows indifference and an upbeat acceptance.
  12. Jariel

    Anyone care to make a prediction?

    LP700-4's post is gold! Not just relevant here, but to all interactions with women. So many guys keep asking how their ex girlfriends could possibly move on so can they forget their history, all their love, everything they did for them and why aren't they getting in contact? How...
  13. Jariel

    What is the best way to get over a break up? Vote now!

    I already know the answer to this question, but I think it will be helpful for everyone going through break ups to see some poll results. So many of us have had first hand experience of break ups, and have tried every possibility imaginable to try and win her back, and yet whenever we try to...
  14. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I can back this up from my own experiences too and so can many other guys on this thread. I know people hate to listen to any advice that suggests they ignore their ex and doesn't tell them what they want to hear, but the important thing to remember is that we all talk from experience. We...
  15. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Looking for one last message to send? Try this... I realise that a lot of guys here are looking to have the last word and no matter how much we advise going no contact, they can't help themselves. I was the same, but one thing I did right (and wished I'd never undone) was to send the perfect...
  16. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Yep, I thought my girlfriend was the sweetest and most genuine person I'd ever met too, but once things started falling apart I saw a very different side to her. So cold, so manipulative and uncaring. I've said it before and I'll say it again, a woman is only loyal and respect towards a guy...
  17. Jariel

    Girl with high interest flakes

    I had a girl say something like this to me a couple of months ago. We got chatting, I got her number and I liked her, but I was still hurting from my break up and not ready to pursue anything at that time. She sent me an angry text accusing me of wasting her time. The way I looked at it, we...
  18. Jariel

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    This is why you should delete and block her from Facebook. It could be mind games, it could be a rebound or it could be she has swung to another branch...but the worst part of this is that you will send yourself crazy trying to figure it out and cause yourself so much pain! I'm guessing she...
  19. Jariel

    Girl with high interest flakes

    What's happened here is that your interest is way higher than hers. Even though her interest was probably very high in the moment you met and she got caught up in it all, maybe that's all she wanted. You can be attracted to someone, enjoy a make out session, flirting or a one night stand with...
  20. Jariel

    EVERYTHING a man needs to know about women

    I'm going to go against the crowd and say it all sounds like academic theory. Sun Tzu never picked up in a club or a bar, never dated a modern woman, never lived in an age where men and women have forums like this one to tell them how to increase attraction and interest. I think whenever you...