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  1. E

    Why do so many people say dating is easier for men at 28-40?

    It's different for everyone. FUKIN PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Depends. Btw I saw one reply earlier. I think only one guy knows what im doing.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Whats wrong not revealing my age in a public forum. I said if you want it you can pm me. Its very offensive to call people names. Show some respect.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Number closed again
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Just number closed with same opener
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    In northamwrica is rude to ask someones age but if you really want to know u can pm me
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Not sure if you guys know but the supermarket sells chicken wings in North America.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Yes, it has. Multiple times.
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    who is Rich here?

    I was going thru my posts and noticed this one. I still dont know why i asked this question. Just to give an update. I now have 600k. I worked really hard these few years and made multiple investments that paid off. Live is good financially. But i lost focus in the PU area.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Thanks guys for the input
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Elaborate pls
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    Why is weirde?
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    i also have tried the same opener more than 30 times. Never had issues before.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    I said precisely: My friend and I went to have chicken wings at Costco. They came with salad and vegetables...She looked at me funny and ran away. Next thing is the Security came after me.
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    Got kicked out of supermarket

    I was in the supermarket and i did an indirect approach, she was not receptive and i moved on....then security comes and says she complained about me on talking to her and he kicked me out. What a *****! I told security that i didn't do anything and he can look at the videos in the cameras if...
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    My D1 went too logical - how not to be logical?

    Today is my last day of my 10 days challenge where I have to fclose. I was unable to fclose but it helped me a lot to improve my game. However it's very exhausted. I think I figured it out what is missing. But it's just theory not verified yet. I incorporated more friendly vibe into my game...
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    My D1 went too logical - how not to be logical?

    Devilkingx2: good point Mrgoodstuffs: dress is average, not sharp (suit). Smell, dont really botther to wear cologne when i go to work. I fix my hair nicely though. Well to tell you the truth, outer game is the least i'm worried about.
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    My D1 went too logical - how not to be logical?

    devilkingx2: Attraction: Long eye contact, she is ok with my touch , she doesn't run away, doggy bowl eyes. Then after talking for 10 - 30 secnds. she looks she is bored or something.