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  1. T

    Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.

    That's why I'm in a LTR and been out of the game for quite some time. I'm a assimilated black male with a job and ambitions, so there's really nothing out there for me in the game. I wasted my college mental energy obsessing over this uphill battle with dating girls of another race and it...
  2. T

    Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.

    If you are a white male, you could look like Quisimodo and still pull a decent girl of any race. If a white male cannot get laid then it is 9 times out of 10 his fault and he has some mental issue blockading his game. In addition, when i see a lesser male with a hotter female it is 9.9 times...
  3. T

    Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.

    Yep there's no paradise city for minorities that allows them to be at a equal footing to white men. However, cities do vary upon difficulty for minorities in the dating game. Top cities in my opinion from what I've seen Atlanta Minneapolis Fargo Charlotte Madison Worst cities(avoid at all...
  4. T

    Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.

    Race threads should be banned because racists like you post poison in to minorities minds like "race doesn't matter". "green matters man!!" You are a white man and you don't have to face the same dating game experience as us minorities do. Either read and leave or don't even bother clicking on...
  5. T

    Roosh had a great analogy

    Roosh is a dumba$$ bum that lives in his mom's basement.
  6. T

    Demographics and success rate: My experiences as an Asian guy over the years.

    I just came back from San Francisco and I saw plenty of Asian men with Asian females. Typical OP! Rejecting the white women that are most likely to date out of their race and ******** that he can't get a white woman. Your best chance with a white girl is with some liberal progressive sjw type...
  7. T

    Worst "advice" you've ever gotten from the Manosphere or other djs

    You don't honestly. I've made a topic about the economics of the dating game for men which explained why men are losing in the dating game and the solution to the issue. UNFORTUNATELY, IT DOESN'T"T COMPLY WITH the bullshvt DJ myth of all girls are obtainable, looks don't matter, acquire cash...
  8. T

    Worst "advice" you've ever gotten from the Manosphere or other djs

    It's not just him. Plenty of veteran Djs on this site continue to have the same issues with women, search for women through the same sh!tty venues, and bvtch about the same problems.
  9. T

    Worst "advice" you've ever gotten from the Manosphere or other djs

    1. Race doesn't matter. Probably the biggest bs I hear from mostly racist manosphere guys that think every girl rejects them for some Tyrone. 2. Looks do not matter. Already debunked! 3. Increasing your bank account increases your chances with women. First, how will girls even know I...
  10. T

    Outgrowing the people around you

    Obviously your life isn't good if your following this red pill shvt and telling other people that they are doomed. People do not want to hear that bullshvt. Focus on yourself and quit worrying about what everybody else is doing. You mentioned some girl screwed you over, so I'm guessing you're...
  11. T

    Outgrowing the people around you

    First, nobody is forcing you to hang out with toxic people. Next, the red pill should be used for only certain aspects in life and also hidden in the closet. Otherwise, you will become some A$$hole nobody wants to hang around with. These people don't want to hang around you because you're...
  12. T

    Men are way worst than women

    women have a one book trick list that they have not needed to change due to most men consistently falling for their tricks. Once you are aware and actually follow procedures it is easy to beat women. Men on the other hand have a plethora of tricks, tools, and hierarchies to beat you. An...
  13. T

    Men are way worst than women

    MGTOW and the Manoshpere wants you to believe their romanticized bro-alliance bullshvt against the evil feminazi demon to hook you in to their community. The real truth is that your real enemy is actually other men. Men are in better positions to screw you over when it comes to career, crime...
  14. T

    Geography trumps Inner Game

    Yep, I would rank Nashville,Tn and Memphis, Tn way down in the rankings. All the good girls are in relationships or you have to be in their hs or college social circle network to get them. Outside of them are ghetto rats, fat women, and feminists. Meanwhile, I can go to Atlanta, Ga and meet a...
  15. T

    Need Relationship advice about the future outlook

    First, I've been with my gf for about 3 years. There were some gap times like I cheated on her and I was across the country for 6 months, but we are somehow still together lol. The thing that has always worried me is that we have a different outlook in life. She wants to go to grad school and...
  16. T

    Any tips for increasing social circle when going to college

    Hate to burst your bubble, but college is meant for people below 25 at max. I would just focus on graduating with high marks and make friends within your age group.
  17. T

    Common dumb things that sound smart

    1) Buying a house for the wrong reasons. 2) Getting degrees for education benefits only 3) women 4) Rejecting the idea of leasing a car 5) Buying something off of credit in hoping to improve your credit score 6) Getting married based off love 7) Having children because you want to...
  18. T

    Is There a Such Thing as a Faithful/Loyal Woman?

    Depends on you and the woman. If you worship Roosh/ROK/Red pill stuff then you will never have a faithful woman regardless of how great she is. Same exact argument for the woman lol.
  19. T

    What's this writer called, could be Bonecracker

    He has a stuff posted on a blogger and it is woke af. Either forgot the name of the page site or the author.