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  1. M

    anybody smoke cigarettes?

    Do yourself and everybody around you a favor. Quit.
  2. M

    what do you guys think about dating muslim girls?

    I know a cute Muslim girl, born here, but her parents want her to be traditional. No hijab or any kind of hair covering, just can't show any skin below her collar bones and nothing above the knee. She doesn't date and is waiting for her family to introduce her to a suitor. Pre-marital sex...
  3. M

    "The Good Guy" is overrated. Being a jerk is the way to go.

    Actually I do know one person who can be jerky. Basically he doesn't care at all about what people think of him. He does and says what he wants. Most people think he's crazy, but I heard he gets a lot of girls.
  4. M

    "The Good Guy" is overrated. Being a jerk is the way to go.

    I don't know how to be a jerk :(
  5. M

    do we really need highspeed rail

    Uh, the rail system in this country is pretty bad. At least in California. And no, you wouldn't drive your car to the train, you would take the bus. Then take the bus to your destination or have somebody pick you up.
  6. M

    do we really need highspeed rail

    As somebody who has family in the Bay Area and lives in SoCal, I would love it. Flying is a pain and expensive. Driving takes forever and if gas doesn't go down, will also be expensive. I think how it's really odd that America was the first country to have a railroad, and somehow we've...
  7. M

    physically unattractive girls

    THE TRUTH: Female Friends More specifically this post. I am nice but try to avoid getting close. They have nothing I want, and I don't them to think that I might like them. I don't want to play with their feelings.
  8. M

    Go F**k Ten Other Women!

    Right now I do have oneitis for a girl, had it for over a year. But I'm also pursuing other girls. Right now, there is one girl I like and about six others I'm interested in. Will I have sex with any of them? Probably not. That's why I don't like GFTOW. I'd **** other girls if I could. For...
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    False. According to the California Motorcycle Handbook a "motor-driven" cycle is a motorcycle with an engine displacement of 149cc or less. Motor-driven cycles cannot be operated on a freeway. Motorcycles above the 149cc size are motorcycles as opposed to "motor-driven cycles" and can be...
  10. M

    So I asked my hot professor out. It didn't go real well. Can I salvage it?

    No he's not trolling. As I said before, he's "one goal" on loveshack. He's just a kid that doesn't really know what he is doing. So MustangMan, it's good that you found this place. Step 1: Forget about her Step 2: Start reading some articles from the DJ Bible.
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    For the LAST time. Your looks WON'T matter!

    The first thing a woman notices is how you look. There is no denying that. Women are also more shallow then men when it comes to looks. A man's personality can either increase or decrease his attractiveness to a woman. Men who look good are basically pre-approved and don't have to work as hard...
  12. M

    So I asked my hot professor out. It didn't go real well. Can I salvage it?

    Ugh. This guy is known as One Goal over at loveshack. He has about 10 threads obsessing over his professor. Everyone's already told him to move on so he came here... --- Dude give it a rest. Leave the poor woman alone.
  13. M

    THE TRUTH: Female Friends

    Yeah that's a lot of work just to try and get set up with a girl's friends. Though I do see how it can be done if you run with the right social circle. As for the girl I was talking about. Due to her religion, she isn't allowed to date. I haven't really made an effort to get her to like me or...
  14. M

    THE TRUTH: Female Friends

    LOL that's the first time I've ever seen advice to kill attraction. Don't worry 411, I can do that without even trying :whistle: Heh, just for the heck of it, I tried to get a female "friend" to introduce me to some of her sorority sisters and she actively told me to stay away from them. It...
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    I am socially retarded.

    ElStud hasn't posted in this thread in four years. Why is it even active?
  16. M

    What race are you?

    lolwut? I was talking about the fact that the poll doesn't allow for multiple choices. Since I'm both Cuban and white, I simply didn't vote.
  17. M

    What race are you?

    I'm half American white and half Cuban, yet I can only choose one...
  18. M

    Family Guy

    Link to episode. Overall it was meh, I don't like angry Quagmire. Best part was the SF II scene. As for PU not being meant for women you actually care about. As Brian pointed out. Then what is the point?
  19. M

    Attractive women always have a dude somewhere

    Fair enough. Thanks for the sound advice.
  20. M

    Attractive women always have a dude somewhere

    The bold part is something I have fallen for on more than one occasion. How is a less experienced man supposed to tell the difference from a woman being interested and a woman who is overly friendly with a man already in her life?