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  1. S

    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    People like her and liberals already have created their multicultural cesspool here and their black and female colleges. That's not good enough for them, they want to, and are to a degree, run white males out of all colleges, and just be parasites. No doubt, he'd be out of there. Further if...
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    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    That's not the argument at all. That's a strawman Embers created. The argument is liberals shouldn't be able to have one-way free speech and a double standard. Completely false, white males have the most obstacles intentionally placed in their way. Whether a white male is poor or middle class...
  3. S

    "Police racism may have compromised 3000 San Francisco cases, officials say"

    There you have it, any white country remaining white like they historically been for thousands of years=nazee. Everywhere else that's homogeneous and not white *shrug*. Can YOU name a heterogeneity movement that was not belligerent and violent in some way? The US lol?
  4. S

    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    You are talking about yourself. YOU continue to condemn the cop who sends a private racial text. YOU claim you oppose all prejudice and bigotry, but YOU will not condemn this racist professor for a public tweet. YOU won't condemn Michele Obama et al either. I don't hold the position that all...
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    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    Until you liberals equally call for the firing and censorship for racism/sexism expressed from the left, like this professor who holds students' grades and their future in her hands and influences young minds, then you have no leg to stand on.
  6. S

    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    Because liberals started the whole PC speech and thought police. Today Michele Obama played her race card while giving a commencement speech at a black college ,Tuskegee University in Alabama. In reality...
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    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    Yes intolerant of Christians and even heterosexuals. I was bundling all the various groups liberals hate under "conservative". This is exactly it. For example, people draw mohammed because just as the winning cartoon depicted, we're told even by threat we can't draw mohammed. Most...
  8. S

    Unemployment Rate and Analysis

    .. Yep I'm a klansman, just like America is number 1 in greenhouse gas and you're not an anti-America commie troll:rolleyes: . Liberals and Bolsheviks are the same thing.
  9. S

    Anti-white male tweets justified as free speech at Boston U....

    Idle words and liberal lies backed up by nothing. Just as women do, liberals claim they are something in this case tolerant, when in reality they are completely intolerant. Liberals do not afford tolerance for males, whites or conservatives of any race or sex. The examples of liberals...
  10. S

    Unemployment Rate and Analysis

    Even your commie RT news debunks your commie claims
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    Unemployment Rate and Analysis

    The elites seem to want overpopulation and continuous population growth, at least they do in America and western countries. What do they keep saying? America and the west has too low of birthrate and needs lots of 3rd world immigration to "prosper" us. So even though westerners act responsible...
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    "Police racism may have compromised 3000 San Francisco cases, officials say"

    Yeah, we're all the same but different, err we're different and not the same but equal err we'll all be different, not the same, not equal but will be made equal. My favored people will be made equal even without earning it, yeah yeah that's it. Down with white privilege! Can you say chaos...
  13. S

    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    It's not like Democrats aren't divided. Obama to democrats that oppose Trans Pacific Partnership and fast track trade authority: 'They're making stuff up': Barack Obama bites back at Democrat trade deal critics" barack-obama-free-trade-tpp-democrats. I'd be pretty put off by Obama's arrogant...
  14. S

    "Police racism may have compromised 3000 San Francisco cases, officials say"

    Yes "white privilege" is false, offensive and just plain racist and discriminatory in its intent. If that's the case then most all women, blacks, liberals and others have no place in position of authority including in the police force. I disagree because just suspicion someone will act on...
  15. S

    "Police racism may have compromised 3000 San Francisco cases, officials say"

    I want any texts by any female, non-white or white officer that contain anything derogatory or defamatory about males or whites investigated for bias. Terms like "white trash", "redneck" are racist. Criticizing "White privilege" is offensive and shows bias. Texts that call males sexist and...
  16. S

    "Police racism may have compromised 3000 San Francisco cases, officials say"

    So what? So what if some officers sent each other supposedly "racist, sexist, and homophobic texts"? It doesn't mean they treated anyone unfairly. Most of them were joking around anyway. Blacks, women and gays say racist, sexist and heterophobic stuff all the time and allowed to do so in the...
  17. S

    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and fast track is completely undemocratic and is written for and by multinational corporations. TPP will also allow foreign workers to enter the US without Congress being able to regulate immigration. You wonder how things have gotten the way they are and...
  18. S

    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    Tenacity I agree with most of those predictions. Whites are currently 62% and will drop below 50% in the next 20-30 years without emigration just from immigration. My prediction is the middle class will shrink to almost non-existence. It'll be mostly a two-class system of wealthy and poor. The...
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    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    And the Democrat party and the media doesn't bury the better Democrat candidates? What did the Dems offer up? Looks to be next flip flopper Hilliary Clinton, Obama, Kerry, Al Gore. You never address my point every time I expose you for lying. You are completely transparent. One can be...
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    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    Jaylan hopes so, but no one could be that stupid to think Jaylen actually supports Republican candidates like Ron Paul. Jaylan is not one of us but some of us are one of him.