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  1. Kailex

    Man Sends Wife Excel Spreadsheet of All Her Sexual Rejections

    I am curious. How do you manage to bring this up in regular conversation? I'd really like to know... I've done this as well, but usually in a conversation revolving, "What are you looking for in a potential relationship?". That's usually my trigger.
  2. Kailex

    Man Sends Wife Excel Spreadsheet of All Her Sexual Rejections

    Sad part about this is that it is something I went through a long time ago. I wouldn't say I made a spreadsheet, but I had mental notes. Basically my average with the woman was 1 time a month, maybe 2. She always had an excuse and I confronted her about it at some point. When I did, she said I...
  3. Kailex

    Did I give myself away too easily?

    Honestly, you aren't doing anything to make her wonder what the hell is going on. You should have met those texts with silence. Do not say anymore to her. You just became her chatty friend on text messages. STOP TEXTING BACK. You either text back "Let's go out on XXX day" or don't respond at...
  4. Kailex

    The One Thing I Keep Forgetting...

    You were broken up at the time because she was your only option. I'm not saying: SPIN PLATES, SPIN PLATES, SPIN PLATES, BAH GAWD, SPINE PLATES. I mean, I know you go into LTR's and approach them full on, so it's obvious you'd have one at the time, but as soon as another option enters into the...
  5. Kailex

    Did I give myself away too easily?

    She doesn't feel bad that you are sick. A woman that is that interested in you would want to take care of you even if it meant slapping on a Hazmat suit. That's just filler. Ignore her text and move along.
  6. Kailex

    Did I give myself away too easily?

    I love how women can shift around their intentions based on situational awareness. It's an amazing gift and any man not ready for it won't clearly interpret the meaning behind the message. Any guy prone to believe the above statement from that woman, based on her "consideration" and how she...
  7. Kailex

    Broke up. Sad as a motherf.

    Denial can be an ugly thing. And there you go guys, men are willing to ditch their sense of self-respect, value, and anything else simply because it "saves them money" and they get "sex" which SHE will now determine when he gets it or doesn't, simply because she has all the power in the...
  8. Kailex

    Boundary Implementation

    I have to agree with the last few posts. Example being a woman I went out with a week or two ago. The first time I went out with her, she never brought her phone out, AT ALL. This is a rarity. Usually if you sit at a bar, they will leave it up there and as the notifications come in, they will...
  9. Kailex

    Broke up. Sad as a motherf.

    I'd say move on and learn from this. You are sad about this now, but trust me, in about 10 years, you won't even remember her name nor what she looked like naked. Never ask a woman if she thinks you two should break up. You did that completely expecting a sort of Hollywood ending where she...
  10. Kailex

    Turning 30

    I can't believe I haven't updated this thread in over 3 years, but I now feel the need to do so. Again, I see an alarming amount of people worried about how their lives will drop off once they hit 30. This post is living proof that it only gets better. At 33.5, I am now deeply entrenched...
  11. Kailex

    Boundary Implementation

    The fact that this thread even exists is proof and testament to how much things have changed in the last 50-60 years. Do you really think this was something that was discussed ad nauseum before the feminist movement? The reason boundaries are challenged are because of the ongoing slew of...
  12. Kailex

    4th Date & Still No Lay..Need some solid opinions please!! ASAP!

    It's hysterical because she is creating her own win-win scenario in her mind. If she gets you to hold out long enough, she gets her beta provider man who will do her every bidding, even holding out for sex. If you walk away, she will internalize you as just another man who simply wasn't...
  13. Kailex

    Just got an email from ex wife...advice needed

    I would just go NC. If there was no written agreement, document, etc... this is just "extortion" of the emotional sort. How are you to know she won't ask for another $6,000 down the line... so on and so forth?
  14. Kailex

    10 Months In…things are getting serious….

    None taken, and it can. But I think the motivation for a 41 year old to get back into shape after a baby is going to be far less than a 25 year olds. Although this is America, and it could very well be the opposite.
  15. Kailex

    10 Months In…things are getting serious….

    Consider all the things she is without kids/marriage. Consider all the things she could become. At 10 months she is pressuring you into moving in? Sorry buddy, but the clock is ticking in her mind. I get afraid of relationships like this for that very reason. Whatever this relationship is...
  16. Kailex

    be long has it been?

    2 hours. Whoa, it's really been that long!?
  17. Kailex

    Question for guys who have been in interracial relationships and got hate for it.

    I am Puerto Rican from Puerto Rico and only moved to New Jersey just 6 years ago. The biggest amount of women whose backs have hit the top of my soft, cushy mattress are white. And my name is VERY hispanic sounding as well. And I'm not the only one. I've met many more in this area...