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  1. S

    When you start to look aged

    You get on here just to throw insults. Who's the lunatic? Men 60's years old and still haven't figured out or can't admit that women when you approach them look you over and either feel attraction or not within seconds.
  2. S

    When you start to look aged

    It's all any man has. But unlike you I still have some youth left. And I have my height and athletic build whatever that's worth. A man with muscles and unattractive face, still has an unattractive face. Unlike men, women don't usually go for a butterface. They'd rather have some young faggy...
  3. S

    Armed robbery

    HUD doesn't have to own anything although it does basically own properties since it insures mortgages and pays off foreclosures. It pays millions to cities and to builders, subsidizes rents and mortgages and insures mortgages. Bottom line is HUD uses 10's of billions of tax payer dollars to...
  4. S

    Armed robbery

    Then the government and HUD moves thousand of them into your neighborhood even moves them next door, like they did in my city. You can move out of the ghetto but the government will just move the ghetto to you.
  5. S

    Armed robbery

    Stop crying, criminals who resist the police get shot almost everyday. There you go folks, some people don't care about or mind crime as long as its committed by their ethnics. I guess it's a "white thing" to reject criminals and deal with them harshly. If you are trying to get a chick's...
  6. S

    Armed robbery

    You got that right Bokanovsky. Some people want to continually bring in people from high crime demographics, use your tax money to pay for their rent or mortgage to live in your neighborhood, and disarm you of a gun, the right of self defense and free speech to even protest what's being done...
  7. S

    First dates and no second dates.

    I think you just didn't have enough physical attraction with her. There's really not a lot you can do about that. My experience is you meet a girl online and if she doesn't get sexual on the first date or make it pretty clear she wants to but is just waiting till the next date as a formality...
  8. S

    Armed robbery

    Espi, you express your opinions too which I find at times left leaning and antagonistic to the majority group. How is that any different? The difference is I don't label you a bigot just because I don't agree with the views. You are just not correct about mass shootings. Mass shooting are a...
  9. S

    Armed robbery

    I think you're what you accuse others. You're incorrect. I have not been mostly posting in anything else and you know that. I didn't personally insult one poster on here. And you come out with personal attacks just because I'm tired of my city being infested with mostly 'minority' crime.
  10. S

    When you start to look aged

    If you're picking up women it's primarily because they visually see your face as attractive on first sight. If they don't see your face as attractive enough, then you're not going to pick up women. You're not going to be able talk, will or think your way around it. Attraction for women is mostly...
  11. S

    Armed robbery

    You are exactly right. Mexico and most countries south of the US border have strict gun control but the violent crime rate in latin America would fill a top 50 list of most violent places in the world. The crime rate in US cities depends mostly on how 'diverse' they are. If you disarmed...
  12. S

    When you start to look aged

    Aging is relevant to the attraction of everything. All people age in their face and there's no way to stop it. All living things age and change. Puppies are cute and old dogs aren't. Nature intended for people to be most attractive at their peak and not for much longer afterwards. Even inanimate...
  13. S

    Armed robbery

    You outsiders should understand that Americans have had guns for hunting, self defense etc from the founding and not that long after firearms were invented. And it's been a constitutional right for around 230 years. It hasn't been an issue or a problem for 100s of years until more recent years...
  14. S

    Armed robbery

    I will blame HUD as the department that has been involved with the recent policy of moving thousands of people into nice neighborhoods with taxpayer money to spread the ghetto and crime around.
  15. S

    Armed robbery

    It's not a gun problem it's a people problem. Robbery can happen without a gun, by knife, a club or strong arm. Some diversity who are always linger around on the streets came in the store right after the robbers left and said they saw the guys take off the mask and run off. Others saw the...
  16. S

    When you start to look aged

    Everyone ages slightly different and at different rates, but everyone ages and their youthful appearance and cuteness fades. Usually by your late 30's most people show various signs of aging and people know they're older. The point I'm making women care about looks and aging in men a whole lot...
  17. S

    Armed robbery

    It has more to do with the criminal, diversity culture rampant in the USA. I owned guns all my life. They never caused me to rob anyone with them.
  18. S

    Hairy Arms

    I don't mind a woman to have a little hair here and there s long as they have an hourglasses figure and look feminine otherwise.. I actually prefer women who don't have a shaved ****.
  19. S

    Armed robbery

    My little brother works at an auto parts store. He was just robbed at gunpoint by two black guys (big surprise). He's lucky he didn't get shot. A few months back I had a home invasion I repelled. You don't have to even live in that bad of area for diversity to try to rob you at home and at work...
  20. S

    Ex Still Bitter After 4 Years WTF?

    Women tend to hold grudges and never let things go.