Money is a defense not an offense. If you don't have a venue that gives you access to women then you are better off using your wealth to purchase prostitutes.
Zekko, the only successful white guys most white girls go for are Chads with everything handed to them in a silver platter by daddy or by white privilege. Other than that, you don't see white women getting wet over Dexter the real genius unless they are nerds themselves. They are mostly...
I'm 24 too, so is this common. Also, my gf is seeing this and keeps bugging about it, but I don't want to get married and waste money on a stupid ass wedding.
How about you back up your claim of this rich white kid being desperate and suffering instead being the cry baby that whines and moans to close the topic...
Americanized Asians and Mediterranean looking europeans, arbs, and indian guys are second on the food chain after white men and can clean it up with women.
Just because you sucked with women in your 20s and killing it in your 30s does not mean girls prefer older guys. This girls chase older guys thing is nothing but you trying to compensate your failures with bullshvt. In addition, I have no idea what women y'all are chasing. Y'all could be...
Elliot rogers is no different than most of your red pill/mgtow warriors. What's the difference? This kid was a spoiled rich kid that had everything handed to him on a silver platter. Eventually, he starts liking women and realizes he can't just simply have a hot girl handed to him like his...
I would like to add this: Yin and Yang:"The Chinese concept of "Yin" and "Yang" better describes this behavior. Yin means good and Yang means bad. According to this concept, everything in life should have a 50% Yin and 50 % Yang. Only then they are truly balanced. Either too much Yin or too...
It seems like if you play it fair and moral in life then you'll end up becoming a loser. Of course if you over cross a certain point you can end up in jail or killed. However, we experienced this first hand when being a nice gentleman got us screwed over by women. We learned that women...
I see a lot of arguments on this forum and it is mainly black or white thinkers versus gray area thinkers. Alpha male or beta male, unicorn or *****, money matters vs money doesn't matter at all, racism in the dating game vs there's no racism in the dating game, location matters vs location...
Not everybody in my fraternity were @$$holes. Most of them are doing well in life and will continue to do so. I'd rather be them then be crammed in some rat infested closet in the putrid city of NYC paying 1k plus in rent. I think you're the one living the fairy tale life my friend. You are...
You already named it, young, frat boys, athletes, and etc. This site wants you to believe that every man over 30 is some James Bond bachelor with some 18 year old when that's definitely not the case. The reality is that most older men are fat, beta af, and content with their office job...
Never ever reward a company with loyalty. It is always a losing scenario regardless of how great you think you are. You are trading your time and energy for money and that's all it needs to be.
College is nothing but an adult daycare for kids that become popular based off how much money mommy and daddy are willing to go in to debt for them to live like a prince/princess. I was in a fraternity and I was always just the black guy that nobody would ever seriously and I was never given a...
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