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  1. R

    Post breakup, I'm feeling devastated right now

    VLF, I was in the EXACT same position my freshman year in college. I'm going to tell you precisely what will happen and where you need to go from here. First, you will feel AWFUL for breaking up with her. It's gonna hurt and if you're anything like me, it's gonna hurt for months. Let's cut...
  2. R

    The word "hot" and HB9/10 are overused.

    The reason people use the rating system is it's the only relative, quantifiable means we have of assessing a woman's physical beauty unique to the user. There is likely a normal distribution of attractive women in a given setting. If we took this rating system as literally as it seems you are...
  3. R

    Women are not The Answer - They are a compliment.

    There are some good thoughts here. While I certainly can't speak from experience, you might be on to something there. If you do ANYTHING for a long enough time, you'll eventually get tired of it. F-close enough 9s and those 9s will become AVERAGE 6s. At some point, your concept of a...