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  1. F

    Southern Comfort for the Virgin

    Here is a personal account of my early travails with the coochie monster (aka, wo-man). As a prelude... I remember when I first started getting some. I'd see hot girls on the street and say to myself, "Wassup biatch! Yeah, you can fvck off, I just got me some this morning." What was...
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    XBox 360

    I guess you guys have heard: 299 US / Euros For basic box (presumably with wired controller) 399 ditto For wireless controller and HD the "core" system can be uprgraded to the other simply by adding the controller and disk
  3. F

    Six Flags TV Commercial

    Re: Re: Six Flags TV Commercial Very doubtful. He just plays the dancing idiot very well. Imagine putting that role on your resume? :crackup:
  4. F

    American women Suck???

    You're so right. I honestly busted out laughing when I read that. and oh yeah... blow me
  5. F

    American women Suck???

    Point taken.
  6. F

    American women Suck???

    Well, he sounds like an a$$hole. Your case is a good example of an immature man and a counter-example against female-favoring courts. There are fvcktards out there who deserve to be screwed over. The problem is that there are also many good, honorable men who have been screwed by our...
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    American women Suck???

    Wyldfire, I agree. It's hard to write this type of post without coming off as aggressive. It's not about blame. It's about an institutionalized sense of entitlement. At the moment it's heavily in favor of women. And I speak primarily in the legal sense. It's also about the set of...
  8. F

    American women Suck???

    No doubt a man is to blame for marrying without careful consideration, and at least partly to blame for a divorce. It would be unfair to say the responsibility isn't mutual. But if a man still puts in due consideration, that won't improve the menu, so to speak, of Western women. Consider...
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    Are chicks really this good at checking out guys?

    Nah, they do that when they're worried you're gonna jump them. ;)
  10. F

    "Men have been reduced to sperm donors"

    "What are the men left with?" ... I won't be shocked if that's what it comes to. Western women saddle up with sperm banks (wussie men), and western men saddle up with non-western women.
  11. F

    What's with all the gay bashing?

    It's odd how this topic is so emotionally arousing to people (poor word choice?). I've had my fair share of gay men hitting on me. Is it uncomfortable? Yes, a bit. But it's also strangely flattering. I think the source of my own discomfort comes from the guy thinking that I might be...
  12. F

    American women Suck???

    One thing's for sure. There is little incentive for any successful male to marry a Westernized women. (I include the US, Canada, and England, from personal experience; though I see little reason to doubt most Western or Westernized countries are included. Women of Asian and Eastern...
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    Awesome and true observation. I especially agree about the open-minded part. If you're more used to others, you're less fearful of them, and it's always nice and useful to have a more accurate and positive perspective on others.
  14. F

    summary of what works for me, fair amount of sex included

    :) I'm not one for scripted strategies, but I really like your post. You posted the steps that work for you. Others can try them and learn from it. There should be more posts like this.
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    Yes, over the entire shaft. Perhaps the diameter is too small. Try another (bigger) brand.
  16. F

    What's with all the gay bashing?

    I think lashing out at anybody is a sign of weakness. (Unless, of course, they've seriously threatened you.)
  17. F

    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    I think the black magic connection is real, whereas the tone scale connection is only real if you like the tone scale. The more you defend scientology, the more you'll have to lose by backing away from it, and so the more likely you are to filter out the criticism. I think people are just...
  18. F

    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    Now you're catching on to the black magic connection, so I guess you won't deny scientology's origins. Yes, we should all try to conjure the power of the universe for our personal gain. That's my kind of religion.
  19. F

    Scientology? Can this help me get any girl I want?

    Guys, he's not appreciating or trying to rebut our arguments, so arguing may be pointless. Mike, if you're having trouble understanding our posts, you probably just read some words that you don't fully understand. You should go back and find those words, and then look them up in a dictionary.
  20. F

    Life is for Living

    Thanks guys. I know the sentiment is old, but I think it bears repeating, because, frankly, it doesn't seem to really sink in. thecraftylefty just made a great post on a similar topic: Read that if it's still not clicking