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  1. M

    Avoid the trap of thinking she is different.

    This thread started off good. Now it's degenereted into a slanging match. I agree with Poon King . Generally this is true about women. However in rare occasions there are exceptions which I believe occur between equals. I don't like her but I refer to Sherly Sandberg and her husband Dave...
  2. M

    She wants couple of weeks to 'decide'

    You should have just left instead of asking her and giving her an ultimatum. You gave her all the power. Leave her and if she cared she would know what she is missing and rethink her decision.
  3. M

    The Ultimate Test: Her Rejecting You

    Say..OK..If she contacts you, reply but be brief and dispassionate. Never initiate contact again.
  4. M

    Girl suddenly seems to have lost interest, need advice

    When she loses do I....because I got ten in line waiting to hit me up.
  5. M

    She wants couple of weeks to 'decide'

    They change on a dime. They are driven by emotion. Once they decide they don't need are dropped. The thing is don't waste time analysing actions or what she said etc...You might as spend the energy on something else. Ever watch the episode of Star Trek, Kobayshi Maru, you can't win...
  6. M

    Very sad post, but I can't seem to figure a way out of this

    You only hear what you want to hear . You are still not over her that's why you are hearing everything to do with her . You want to feel connected to her that's why you want to hear her and you posting this as a problem. You don't want to let go...
  7. M

    Very sad post, but I can't seem to figure a way out of this

    Lola Montez..... You dodged a bullet. The husband is a cuckold. There are some women who cast a spell on men and these men end up being ruined. Consider yourself lucky you are rid of her. Staying with her will make your life hell...just look at her husband... Any man with self respect and...
  8. M

    The sudden pullback - how do you deal with it?

    Why are you guys still commenting on this thread? Didn't you read nismo ? CASE CLOSED
  9. M

    Why women leave men they love.

    Don Draper divorced twice . Second marriage was to secretary who blames him for all her mistakes. He shut her up and wrote a check for $1m . This was in the 70s. Art imitates life. Guess nothing has changed in the last 40 years.
  10. M

    Continue or let it die

    Not banging her is a BIG mistake.
  11. M

    Is it beta to take back a cheater?

    I guess he ticks all the boxes to betadom
  12. M

    Is it beta to take back a cheater?

    Well I guess that's unanimous then. How about just use her for sex?
  13. M

    Is it beta to take back a cheater?

    Any exceptions? Would you give it a second chance?
  14. M

    100 to 0 real quick - why?

    Why aiiiiiii?
  15. M

    The power of delaying text replies

    Second that
  16. M

    The power of delaying text replies

    Agree. It's the delta of IL/attention you give her that she will notice to most . If you delay texting her then she thinks that normal. You need push/pull. Of course that is if she has any interest in you to begin with! If she hasn't then delaying or any other tactics will be useless.
  17. M

    My ex-girlfriend break-up. How to approach the situation.

    What's there to understand ? Women are like that . One minute they all over you. The next they treat you like you have rabies. They go off emotions . Maybe you were to beta/ willing or maybe you were too alpha and she didn't find security . Either way who cares? Move on . Find another . If you...
  18. M

    The power of delaying text replies

    You delay then text her, then she delays, then you get all panicked on why she hasn't responded. The thing is if you are consciously delaying then that's not much use. Its a tactic but it means she already means something to you, that's why you are delaying. It may give her the impression that...
  19. M

    My ex-girlfriend break-up. How to approach the situation.

    Dude, let her go. What's so special about her? There are millions of chicks out there. I really don't understand.