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  1. touma.akagi

    Federal judge rules male-only draft is unconstitutional

    The thing is that even if you do sign up for the draft (in any country,) you are ineligible to serve if you have certain conditions, need certain medicine, hell, in the US you can't be flat footed, even. You must be mentally stable, too. And given the stress levels people have today, many could...
  2. touma.akagi

    Do you think men fetishize fat chicks because they know it's the only way they can get poontang?

    "I want strong coffee, but I'm going to settle for decaf." Want non-obese women? Go actually talk to them and meet them. If all you chase is chubby then that's all you're going to get (unless she's going to land you a date with a thinner friend).
  3. touma.akagi

    Do you think the decriminalization of sex work would make women in general have a better attitude?

    If it became legal, in America, it'd become a regulated business requiring a license, taxed the **** out of (be it by states themselves or the fed) so that the government would be able to rake in coin from it. Combine that and the "it's legal now, so it's not cool anymore" attitude some...
  4. touma.akagi

    Federal judge rules male-only draft is unconstitutional

    Some people see it this way, yes. So another solution is to get rid of conscription entirely. But I'm not holding my breath. We haven't had a draft in decades.
  5. touma.akagi

    Federal judge rules male-only draft is unconstitutional

    There is no reason to draft women. There is no shortage of men, AFAIK, and so there should be no reason to recruit them. I've talked about this at length on other sites, but the fact is that most combat roles are better suited for men - that's the reason women have never been required to sign...
  6. touma.akagi

    Strange LJBF

    It sounds like she already knew this guy before you were dating her. Just about every girl says that they "don't want just a physical connection" but will just go get ****ed anyway. Hell, maybe she knows you want to be dominant and that's why it didn't work. She has her boy toy and she's the...
  7. touma.akagi

    Do you eat breakfast? If so, what do you usually have?

    Breakfast has been one of the most controversial meals in any social circle I've been in. Some people insist on eating it daily, as it's quite important, others skip it almost always and just have lunch and dinner, still others eat 5+ meals a day which no doubt means one of them is breakfast...
  8. touma.akagi

    Man On Trial for Winking at Woman

    From what I hear on the internet all the time, the UK (particularly London) is becoming a joke. A feminist, weapon-outlawing, joke. And if it's really that bad, I am scared ****less for the men there. These accusations are just that - sorry ma'am. You weren't sexually assaulted when this man...
  9. touma.akagi

    My mom said i look like am homeless

    If your clothing actually looks like rags, dust, pillow cases and boogers, then yes, you desperately need some new clothes. If you aren't already practicing basic hygiene, then yeah, you're not going to get very far. Some men smell awful and still get women. But chances are they dress well. But...
  10. touma.akagi

    Computer science/programming

    Yeah, everyone else said that C# and C++ were considerably easier to use than Java. And really, the program starts everyone on Java because it's the more difficult language, so I suppose in many ways it makes sense to use Java, but also not as much.
  11. touma.akagi

    King of the FriendZone

    Quit having parties with the same women (people, really) over and over again. It's amazing what this guy could accomplish if he, you know, disappeared for a while.
  12. touma.akagi

    Am I friendzoned or is there a chance she might change her mind?

    You're only in the friend zone if you let yourself be. So just withdraw for a bit and dangle the carrot
  13. touma.akagi

    its impossible people with perfect lifes like chester benington suicide

    You can have it all and still be miserable. And at the end of the day, he was. Money can't buy permanent happiness.
  14. touma.akagi

    Was Too Blunt - Scared Her Away

    Should be fine when used sparingly
  15. touma.akagi

    Computer science/programming

    I went to a CS-focused college and thought it was the perfect fit for me - 3 year program, nice events at school, and people who graduate make big money... but I had to withdraw because of my grades. I just had a tough time learning Java. Had I known it would be a problem, I would've studied it...
  16. touma.akagi

    Grades out of College for Jobs

    Your grades don't really matter for a job. For grad school? Maybe. Bragging about your GPA and such on a resume may even in some cases get yours ignored. Most employers don't care about your ability to quote memorized facts. Your IQ? Yes, some employers do care what your IQ is. One other...
  17. touma.akagi

    Mind games girls like to play

    This is why OLD is kind of lame, many women will chat you with zero intentions of meeting.
  18. touma.akagi


    Old habits die hard. This is correct, autist or not, overhauling years of learned behavior is a slow burn.
  19. touma.akagi


    Asperger's Syndrome, as is any ASD, isn't black and white. No two people with ASDs are created equal. So it seems to me like this guy still has a ways to go with women. If he struggles as much as you say, he needs other assistance. Maybe professional help of some sort is what is best for him...