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  1. P

    My worst afc experience still haunts me...

    Princess_Supreme: You think alot about gay guys and their d***s, you need to talk to your therapist or start hittin' up tha gay bars dummy.
  2. P

    WHY are women attracted to confidence?

    Back in the olden days when Punka**_Supreme was younger it was confidence that gave the young buck courage to take away from the old washed-up man and make him cry.:D LOLOLOLOL P.S.: Want a tissue honey?:cool:
  3. P

    Women's Sexual Past

    Once a wh*re always a wh*re. Period. Don't ever fall for that "born again virgin" sh*t.
  4. P

    warrior code

    Stop huffing whatever you're huffing or get on some medication for your illness. By the way ookevin that's the coolest quote from one of the coolest movies
  5. P

    Do you find most of the tips at this site to be bullsh1t?

    yes tactic but I REALLY like my new name:D :D LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  6. P


    She wants it dude, wake up.
  7. P

    My worst afc experience still haunts me...

    Sarcasm dummy. Sarcasm. WTF is a bit trite don't you think? Oh I forgot you can't think because you're a retard....
  8. P

    My worst afc experience still haunts me...

    OMG that is the saddest story I've ever heard-- I'll never complain again. LOL-- just kidding dude, don't let it haunt you everybody's been there in one form or another. We all learn the same lessons in our own way.
  9. P

    I don't ever drink,will I regret it?

    The bad side of drinking far outweighs the good. You should develop your personality by reading books and interacting with as many interesting people as possible. If you aren't a drinker due to fear such as a relative who is an alcoholic or over-religious parents then you should address this...
  10. P

    Big Guys and Small Girls

    Small girls like to feel safe, the bigger the guy the safer she feels. However this isn't always necessarry-- it's usually younger women who feel this insecure.
  11. P

    Need some quick advice

    Just don't give her any money man-- other than that do what you will...
  12. P

    Pet Peeves About Women...

    When they act like they want to be one of the guys-- beer drinking and cussing and knowing more about the sports than most guys.
  13. P

    got digits at a bar, but shes got a bf

    She's just playing some lame game-- too early to tell what she wants at this point. Make plans with her, get her drunk, and try to get to second base with her as soon as possible. If she rejects this then bail on her and make up an excuse to leave-- if she wants to stop playing games at this...
  14. P

    My girlfriend copies me!!

    Enjoy it and tell her you really like to give oral sex, there's nothing more satisfying....
  15. P

    Why do my guy freind's hate on me so much.

    You need some new friends. These guys are lame and will only bring you down.
  16. P

    Do you find most of the tips at this site to be bullsh1t?

    I just avoid the guys who brag or put down others. All in all most guys here are trying to help with the limited one-sided information presented here.
  17. P

    When Parents In Law Hate You

    Avoid the hell out of them but kiss their a*s when it's unavoidable. Make up excuses but never tell your g-f how uncomfortable you are-- make it their problem.
  18. P

    Meeting in an elevator, what's a good approach?

    Find an excuse to "accidentally" bump her without of course knocking her down or hurting her, then smile and apologize, then say something about her looking familiar.
  19. P

    Getting it up

    More foreplay, and stop thinking so much. Do not watch any more porn or tug your crank when you are not with her ANY MORE.
  20. P

    " An old man's drink"

    Gin and tonic is definitely a man's drink. You might try getting familiar with various call brands so as to personalize the drink. A good call brand preference distracts from the generic quality of the drink(trust me I know I like vodka-sodas)and adds a personal touch, some sophistication, and...