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  1. R

    What are some props you men have that are meant for women to comment on, and does it work?

    When I was in college and went to parties I always wore a red flashing light on a chain hooked to my pants that was extremely noticeable and tons of girls were always like wtf is that?? Then I explained that I wear it because I tend to get hammered and in case I pass out in a ditch somewhere it...
  2. R

    Men need women more than women need men

    Those stats are all based on marriages that began several decades ago (thats the only way they could have long term data on health and life expectancy) when marriage was actually a good mutually beneficial contract. Things have changed dramatically since then and now it is at best very...
  3. R

    Football, a beta male hobby or a legit interest for men?

    Watching football is very cringe for me. The whole time I can't stop thinking about how the retard players are giving themselves brain injuries just so that smarter people can have a bit of entertainment to watch on Sunday.
  4. R

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    Maybe a good strategy is to build your wealth before you get married then just have a rock solid prenup. I sold my company a few years ago and my investment income is more than likely never going to be as much as the cashflow the business was generating so I think if I go in with a solid prenup...
  5. R

    The issue with telling men to work on self improvement

    Where did I say anything about taking out $3million in loans? I said build a company to $3m in enterprise value and sell it as in start a business and work hard for 5 years until you build it to $3m in value and then sell it and FIRE. This is well within the reach of anyone who is willing to...
  6. R

    Getting Started with Instagram

    You do not want to actually date a girl who is a heavy IG user. They are the worst women to date. Women who have a private IG with only their closest friends as followers are dateable and those types of women won't care if you don't have an IG.
  7. R

    Anyone else missing the OG Roosh V forum?

    That forum greatly improved my life. I was an afc always putting women on a pedestal and going through mini depressions every time I got rejected until I stumbled upon rvf. It was an incredible community of men helping each other deal with women.
  8. R

    The issue with telling men to work on self improvement

    In terms of money it's completely worth it to start a business and work as hard as you possibly can for ~5 years in your 20's or 30's to achieve FIRE status. If you are at least moderately intelligent and understand how to take calculated risks you can easily build a company (as long as you are...
  9. R

    ‘Game’ is killing your chances with 8s,9s and 10s

    9s and 10s are actually approached quite a bit less than 5-8s. Very few men have the combination of courage and skills to approach a 9 or 10. 5-8s get approached more frequently simply because it is far less intimidating.
  10. R

    If you struggle getting women, get a wingman.

    Or alternatively get the highest SMV wingman you can find. Back in my early 20's I had a co-worker who was probably the closest to a gigachad I've ever encountered in real life (6'4" dark from a wealthy family). Whenever I went out with him several groups of high smv women would approach us...
  11. R

    What to do when your beard starts turning gray?

    It's mostly so we can still date women in their early 20's. A guy in his 30's without gray hair still appears young to a 20 year old woman. A man in his 30's with graying hair starts to seem like an old guy to these women and that will limit your options in that age range. If you want to...
  12. R

    What to do when your beard starts turning gray?

    The issue is it ages you out of dating younger 20ish women unless they have daddy issues. You can look young all the way into your 30's until your beard or hair starts to gray they it gives away your age. Anyone have any good techniques for coloring beards to make it look natural?
  13. R

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    The US divorce rate among educated people is lower at around 30%. Then I think it's even lower for educated people that cohabitated for at least a year before marriage. However it's still a poor legal structure for a man in the US. The nuclear family is without a doubt optimal for raising...
  14. R

    Life in game beyond cold approaches and lay counts.

    It sounds like your friend is just trying to manipulate you into bringing women to his party so he can hit on them. If you ever have an LTR with a hot girl you'll quickly learn that you dread bringing her into any environment where there are several other high value guys. Unless you are married...
  15. R

    There’s A Scientific Reason Why Women Are Attracted To Taller Men

    Ironically being short is actually far healthier than being tall. The intuition that being tall somehow symbolizes health isn't true. Shorter people have much lower rates of chronic illness mostly due to lower IGF1 growth hormone. The larger the person is, the more new cells have to be created...
  16. R

    Is Instagram a deal breaker for an LTR?

    I don't really use IG but I do follow some women who are clearly very addicted to the platform just so I can observe how ridiculous they act. This one girl has a fiance and and 110k followers constantly posting bikini pics for validation. Anyways I'm driving down the road today and I see one of...
  17. R

    Michael Irvin shows how to fight back against "Cancel culture" and #meToo

    The suit alleges Mr. Irvin touched the womans arm without her consent. This **** is getting insane... every month it gets more and more extreme. Soon it's going to be that we are not allowed to look at a women without her consent and then we won't be able to enter a room with a women in it...
  18. R

    Is Instagram a deal breaker for an LTR?

    Yea you definetely do not want to get into an LTR with a girl who is addicted to instagram validation and won't delete her profile for you. That is a recipe for a miserable relationship. Luckily most of us here are above average IQ and would never naturally get into a relationship with an...
  19. R

    Maybe there is some hope...Millenials and Gen Z think women's rights have "gone too far"

    This is going to sound crazy but it is true. The reason that social issues are amplified in the US is because foreign countries (mainly Russia and China) spend a lot of money on feeding polarizing propaganda into the US system with the goal of destabilizing the US social fabric so that the...