Search results

  1. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    You're putting way too much stock in the number. Guys and girls both with high numbers settle down and decide on a family. It happens all the freaking time. Look at her current behavior. If she is loyal and not raising suspicions by doing shvt like flirting with other guys or hiding things...
  2. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    What's a non religious hot girl who says she hadn't slept with a lot of guys? Probably not being honest. Asking how many guys a girl has slept with in the past is for fools. While we spin plates with hot girls their number goes up too.
  3. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    The year is 2015. Sex is common. Relationships are shorter in general. I never ask numbers. Ho is outdated word usage. Any hot girl who doesn't have a crazy religious hangup has been around the block whether she admits it or not. Live with it and enjoy the sex. If you're worried about...
  4. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    It's 2015. It isn't the old days. Sex is more and more frequent. No to 1 and 2. She's just hot and normal hot girls have sex. 3 obviously to be safe.
  5. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    You have got to live on the most boring block in New York. Hot girls have high numbers whether they admit it or not unless you're in a boring place where sex isn't common.
  6. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    If you're going to be hypocritical that's your problem. Every time a guy has sex with a new girl she has sex with a new guy. The most desirable and best looking guys or girls are going to have high numbers. Fact. If you want a low numbered partner, better go after an ugly or a religious...
  7. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    How can that suck? She's hot isn't she? A girl who has a high number is be definition hot. If you think a hot girl wouldn't have a high count, you aren't living in the real world unless she's crazy into religion. Get over it. If you're afraid of STDs get her tested.
  8. D

    Found out my girlfriend of 5 months had had sex with 30-40 men

    We can't have it both ways. Every time a guy fvcks a girl fvcks. It's that simple. More and more guys fvck more and more girls. A guy with a high number has always been studly. A girl with a high number means she's hot because that many guys have desired her. That my friend is the real world.
  9. D

    Anyone else tired of Political Correctness?

    The flag is crap but so are these black lives matter marches. Enough of both.
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    Anyone else tired of Political Correctness?

    I don't like having to be PC but you're picking the wrong battles. While I'm sick of these insane black lives matter protests, the Confederate flag doesn't belong on state or federal ground. It was a battle flag but it's synonymous with racism. If you want your own confederate flag you can...
  11. D

    I just got fired

    Getting fired sucks
  12. D

    Why is every single candidate running a chicken**** candidate?

    I just would like a good choice. The few that have been even close to food choices are usually libertrlarisns or don't fit neatly into the platform for their party.
  13. D

    Why is every single candidate running a chicken**** candidate?

    Can't we get anyone good? Conver stove economically Tough on crime Liberal on moral issues Anyone?
  14. D

    2016 Election - Your Picks? (Mine Is Rand Paul)

    None are to the right on economics, tough on crime, and to the left on moral issues. The libertarian candidate could end up closer, but doesn't have a real chance. Who will be least objectionable? No idea now.
  15. D

    Jeb Bush talks about his foreign bride

    None of them are the best. As usual who is least objectionable will get my vote.
  16. D

    Obama moves forward with program to diversify wealthy suburbs

    Neither party will have control and then a real government for the people can be built. Not the BS in cities now. Cut taxes and regulations and bust unions to create a pro business climate. Tougher more aggressive police to keep the crime out. Decriminalize drugs and let consenting adults...
  17. D

    Obama moves forward with program to diversify wealthy suburbs

    I do. No free rides. Every free ride given makes it harder for everyone else. More elderly people are very sick or disabled so naturally there would be a higher rate of section 8 among the elderly. Section 8 should be in the cheaper areas of town obviously. Section 8 should have plenty of...
  18. D

    The future of dating

    As the importance of who you know rather than what you know increases in the work world, a beta geek with few social skills won't have nearly as much earning power. He won't be able to afford a professional if he can barely pay his rent.
  19. D

    The future of dating

    I can't even give you the climate forecast for ten years from now. The dating forecast is far far easier. A nice guy beta who is just scraping by with an occasional unattractive girl now will have nothing in the future.
  20. D

    Obama moves forward with program to diversify wealthy suburbs

    Section 8 should be limited to the very sick or disabled. An elderly person should not get it unles they are very sick or disabled.