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  1. J

    I messed up with a girl im starting to really like, what to do in this situation?

    So me & this HB9 have been talking, hanging out, ****in, going out etc etc for about 2 months now. I was spinning a few plates at the beginning but im falling for her..shes cool as hell and head over heels for me. She has been nothing but good to me & is very red pill minded. We were talking...
  2. J

    Going down on a girl totally kills your frame

    Im newer here but im pretty sure that threads like this are probably why so many people don't take this forum seriously. What's the matter with you dude?
  3. J

    Ex called

    Keep your distance and remain NC for now imo unless you wanna reopen some old wounds
  4. J

    Getting started on dating

    You Dont HAVE TO bang her on the first date but you should be touching her a lot , possibly cuddling/rubbing on her while watching a movie and possibly trying to progress even further. If she wants you to stop she'll let you know. She will only have respect for you for trying though. Or you...
  5. J

    Taking a real talk approach with this new HB9

    I asked her out on a date for the weekend and she immediately countered with a different day. I said no...the whole point of this is that I'm trying not to be a passive ***** boy allowing her way to be law. I'm ONLY texting after we've hung out as I'm not doing the "text all day" be like I...
  6. J

    Getting started on dating

    Take her out to eat, then to "watch movies at your house afterward" which actually is code for massive kino and half ass watching a movie Never failed for me
  7. J

    Met high quality girl, but I'm going to be gone for over a month, advice?

    Shes lying to you bro. No woman above a 3 "hasnt had sex in a year" Good for her for trying to maintain a good girl image but its just not true. All girls lie about that **** so whatever. Just don't believe that kind of **** with open arms
  8. J

    should I call her out on her behavior or let it pass?

    As in a small **** or a small guy? If small guy just let it go...women don't understand that **** like that can get to us (I am 5'10 and been called that) I think they think anything under 6'1 is "small" dumb *****es. Anyway, don't let it get to you as it could be used against you when you...
  9. J

    Taking a real talk approach with this new HB9

    Is there no way to just upload direct images to site?
  10. J

    Taking a real talk approach with this new HB9

    First off I generally keep it at HB7 because I like to date down (I know, pathetic) but her and I vibe really well so **** it. Also, she is only 24, I am 28 (she is younger than I usually go for) Her and I have been talking here and there but now that the girl that I was serious about is no...
  11. J

    Starting to think my "game" is just all looks

    Basically? If I am genuinely interested in a woman I always blow it, but I can keep any other woman I don't plan on keeping around forever. Sucks
  12. J

    Starting to think my "game" is just all looks

    Appreciate all the replies, advice, etc and straight up deleted my POF info. Anyways this last chick...the only reason I spent that kind of money is BECAUSE we clicked so well beforehand, ive never vibed so well with a chick before, we were both freaks and she was texting me nothing but kinky...
  13. J

    Starting to think my "game" is just all looks

    I am 28 years old, haven't been in a serious relationship in years. Have absolutely no problem getting any girl I want be it a HB7 or a HB9, whatever. And they usually love me for a few months then ditch me. This was never a problem before but now I am wanting to settle down. While I am...