Taking a real talk approach with this new HB9


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
First off I generally keep it at HB7 because I like to date down (I know, pathetic) but her and I vibe really well so **** it. Also, she is only 24, I am 28 (she is younger than I usually go for)

Her and I have been talking here and there but now that the girl that I was serious about is no longer in the picture we started messaging a lot again. I no longer want her as an orbiter but want to bang her. I'm pretty sure that she is just agreeing with half the **** I say because she likes me but if not I think I'm really digging her. I'm basically cutting to the chase on what I think of females since I have taken the red pill. Is it dangerous to let a woman in on **** like this and possibly more? Guess it just seems easier to get these types of mindsets out of the way early on so that boundry setting is easier later on. Here is part of our convo today. Also, I said "lets hang out on the weekend" And she said "I have next tuesday off and I am usually more sociable on days off" I normally would have agreed to it but basically said "Nah, weekend or no deal, unless you wanna just come right to my condo on tuesday and not go out" (aka we are ****ing) she kind of agreed to that and thats where I stand now. One more thing...she keeps trying to give me her number to text but I keep just msging her on POF

Convo today with HB9..her pictures and name are blocked for privacy:



Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
you're acting odd dude.

She offered one day to hang out with you, and you should have taking it, ie, Tuesday, and you should have gone to grab a drink etc.
However you acted weird, and suggested to come to your place just fo sex (wrong move).

You think that she is coming to your place just to f-uck? lmao...


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
You're overthinking man, and as a result acting weird as shít.

Take her number, and stop being weird. Lol

There's keeping an alpha frame, and then, there's whatever the hell you're doing.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2015
Reaction score
I asked her out on a date for the weekend and she immediately countered with a different day. I said no...the whole point of this is that I'm trying not to be a passive ***** boy allowing her way to be law.

I'm ONLY texting after we've hung out as I'm not doing the "text all day" be like I did with the last one. Texting is only for setting up hangouts.