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  1. F

    GF for experience?

    Maybe your inexperience is creating psychological barriers so you don't get hurt. Get with her. If it doesn't work out, move on, you've just got some more practice under your belt. I use everyone around me to become better.
  2. F

    Was this neg good or bad?

    Just don't neg anybody who you feel might get offended. I.e. people not so attractive. Go with your instinct.
  3. F

    100 per week... MUST attempt #close

    I'm up for that, although if you don't reach a 100/week you might feel failure which could hurt your inner game
  4. F

    Small boobs insult

    Those with true self-confidence and game don't need stupid gimmicks like "negs" True, but I wouldn't go so far as to say they are stupid gimmicks. I've had a lot of success with them. If you are just starting out they can kickstart the development of your inner game.