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  1. S

    Getting over a heartbreak

    drellum, you got right on the point that I was trying to make when I was writing for SH; SH; the trick is when you go no contact for 2 months plus thinking that you are going to get her back than you realize that you don't want her at the end of 2-4 months period even if she call you...
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    Getting over a heartbreak

    SecondHalf, I will give you my two cents, everyone on this post tell you to forget her and don’t contact her, I know it is easy said then done! But it’s the true!! You need to move on with your life and don’t contact her they you will see some strange things happening, you will gain back control...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    watch the video I posted above more than one time or evertime you feel low, believe me it will help, it 's from experience, I will look and see if I can find an English version and post it. Watch the video and analyze carefully, the guy was dumped by the girl and she was with her new guy, the...
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    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I was reading through all this post and I found a valuable information, it seems that it all comes to this video I found, if you apply it you will get what you want either your ex or o new girl The video is in indian language I dont understand Indian but the pictures will tell you everything...
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    what is the problem here...

    no problem i got your point, and i think it's worth giving it a shot to see how it goes even if she ask for sex i will try to ignore her request and see what happen/ thanks
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    what is the problem here...

    marinetti i don't know if i got your point but for me it's not question of having sex for just having sex but who you have it with is important in my case i think i am having sex with the ex because i got used to her and it's there for me when i want it....
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    what is the problem here...

    You right Axcell about what you said, it make sense I think what i am going to do is slow things down with the ex and start seeinf her less while in the meantime not pay too much attention to look for girls and focus on other things, and maybe a good one will come,....
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    what is the problem here...

    Edge , there is some sense in #1 but not #2and #3 because i really still like beautifull woman i am just don't like to play more games...
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    what is the problem here...

    Hello All Dj's: I want opinion here, I don't know what's going on here but, i had some ok relationships, and the last one wasn't too good, i brook it of but i still hung out with the ex basically just for sex ( to the side) mostly nothing else, but what i want to know is I am not excite to...
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    what is the problem here...

    Hello All Dj's: I want opinion here, I don't know what's going on here but, i had some ok relationships, and the last one wasn't too good, i brook it of but i still hung out with the ex basically just for sex ( to the side) mostly nothing else, but what i want to know is I am not excite to...
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    How to deal with this situation

    Thank you penkitten for the tip, and also for the flowers :)
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    How to deal with this situation

    I have not been here for a while but since i brooke up with this girl it' s has been about three months now, it seems like i lost my confidence and when i got out i don't score with women like i used to... and now i am not dating anybody now because of that ( lost confidence) and this make think...
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    How to deal with this situation

    ( . )( . ) sorry i didn't mean to ignore your opinion, you may be right too but just that joekerr31 was agreeing with my deep gut feeling, and like he was reading my mind, i appreciate your opinion... joekerr31, that was a great point you made that women gain power from always believing in...
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    How to deal with this situation

    joekerr31, you are a DJ for a reason and everything you say is true and that what i was thinking too! you right i was her back up when the other guy is gone i am her #1 but even if she really love me like she said which i don't beleive i lost the trust, and it's hard for me to be with somebody i...
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    How to deal with this situation

    I have been dating tis girls for almost a year now, we have been through a lot! for the first 6-7months she was playing her games and dragging me along my mistake and i should of billed out but i stayed because i made a mistake that i never made in my life before i was dating only one her! and...
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    Dealing with a kind of new girlfriend

    Desdinova like you said it’s true these break up games makes her interest goes high I haven’t contacted her since we brook up neither she it’s unusual it’s ca couple days not like the break ups before I am not going to contact her will that make her interest goes high not that I care just to be...
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    Dealing with a kind of new girlfriend

    help with analyzing the situation We are not together now but I just want to get over this “oneitis” by analyzing somethings I know this girl was playing games with me I am just having some hard time sorting something so I ca move on here are the things I need help with so I can clear my mind...
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    Found out gf of 6 mo. has been cheating for the past 2...

    I think the sweetest “revenge” as you may wan to call or the others call it is to not let her know that you know the truth right now and flip the coin on her! Let me explain; start dating other women to the side “spin more plate” and keep your girl in mind spend time with her but not too much...
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    Dealing with a kind of new girlfriend

    Just for general knowledge, can anybody point me to an atricle(s) that talk about: Adrenaline ruch in women ( i have seen one but i can't remember where). Giving a women a ride on rellercoaster. Thank you for any help!!
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    Redefining ONEitis

    Can indifference be a way to eliminate one-itis in the relationship you are in?