Redefining ONEitis

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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DESDINOVA has got me thinking recently about the terminology we take for granted in this community. We fling around terms like AFC, PUA, Neg Hits, C&F, etc. like so much hash in our little restaurant, all having a basic understanding of what really amount to some very subjective ideas. The term AFC is one these esoteric ideas that we've given a name to. We all know exactly what an Average Frustrated Chump is, because we've experienced being one at one time; we only needed a convenient name for that condition. We know what we are and we know the associated behaviors and mindsets that make a person an AFC, but the conditions are subject to interpretation.

Likewise I think ONEitis is a term similar to AFC and means different things to different people. So in light of this, and the slew of ONEitis posts on the Mature board lately, I've reviewed my old Falllacy of the ONE post from a while back and I thought I'd share what I see is the crux of ONEitis.

I think there's been a mischaracterization of ONEitis. While I do understand the protector/provider dynamic and I fully agree with it in the context of a healthy, mature, committed relationship, I think it's necessary to differentiate between a healthy relationship based on mutual respect and a lopsided ONEitis based relationship. In my estimation ONEitis is an unhealthy psychological dependency that is the direct result of the continuous socialization of the soulmate myth in pop culture. This western romanticized mythology is based on the premise that there is only ONE perfect mate for any single individual and as much as a lifetime can and should be spent in constant search of this 'soulmate.' So strong and so pervasive is this myth in our collective society that it has become akin to a religious statement and in fact has been integrated into many religious doctrines as feminization of western culture has spread.

I come to the conclusion that ONEitis is based in sociological roots, not only due to it being a statement of personal belief, but by the degree to which this ideology is disseminated and marketed in popular culture in media, music, literature, movies, etc. Dating services like eHarmony shamelessly marketeer and exploit exactly the insecurities that this dynamic engenders in people desperately searching for the ONE they were intended for. The idea that men possess a natural capacity for protection provision and monogamy has merit from both a social and bio-psychological standpoint, but I think that ONEitis is not a byproduct of it. Rather, I would set it apart from this healthy protector/provider dynamic since ONEitis essentially sabotages what our natural propensities would otherwise filter. ONEitis is insecurity run amok while a person is single, and potentially paralyzing when coupled with the object of that ONEitis in an LTR. The same neurotic desperation that drives a person to settle for their ONE whether healthy or unhealthy is the same insecurity that paralyzes them from abandoning a damaging relationship - This is their ONE and how could they ever live without them? Or they're my ONE, but all I need is to fix myself or them to have my idealized relationship. And this idealization of a relationship is at the root of ONEitis. With such a limiting, all-or-nothing binary approach to searching for ONE needle in the haystack over the course of a lifetime, how do we mature into a healthy understanding of what that relationship really entails? The very pollyannish idealized relationship - the "happily ever after" - that belief in a ONE promotes as an ultimate end is thwarted and contradicted by the costs of the constant pursuit of the ONE for which they'll settle for. After the better part of a lifetime invested in this ideology, how much more difficult will it be to come to the realization that the person they're with isn't their ONE? To what extents wil a person go to in order to protect a lifetime of this ego investment?

The other problem I have with the present definition of ONEITIS is that it completely ignores the Cardinal Rule of Relationships:??In any relationship, whether romantic, business or familial, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least. At some point in a ONEitis relationship one participant will establish dominance based on the powerlessness that this ONEitis necessitates. There is no greater agency for a woman than to unquestioningly know that she is the only source of a man's need for sex and intimacy. ONEitis only cements this into the understanding of both parties. For a man who believes that the emotionally and psychologically damaging relationship he has ego-invested himself to believe is with the only person in his lifetime he's ever going to be compatable with, there is nothing more paralyzing. The same of course holds true for women and this is why we shake our heads when the beautiful HB 9 goes chasing back to her abusive and indifferent Jerk boyfriend, because she believes he is her ONE and the only source of security available to her. The definition of power is not financial success, status or influence over others, but the degree to which we have control over our own lives. Subscribing to the soulmate mythology necessitates that we recognize powerlessness in this arena of our lives. Better I think it would be to foster an understanding that there is no ONE. There are some good Ones and there are some bad Ones, but there is no ONE. For far too long, women have ego-invested themselves, and now men as well, in this mythology as a means to counter what at times I'm sure seems a hopless quest of an idealized relationship. It's much easier to believe that there's someone "out there" specially made to be with you than to constatly face the fear of rejection. To those who believe this, saying that there is no ONE is like saying there is no God; it is perceived as iconoclastic and nihilistic, but it doesn't have to be. I've been married for almost 10 years now and I definitely feel protective of my wife and daughter. I wont deny that I have an impulse to be the provider and counselor of my home, but I know damn well that as much as I love my wife and we are a 'good fit' that were she to die or leave for some reason that I could find another 'good fit'. I don't have a ONEitis insecure relationship with my wife and in fact I'd say that if I were to adopt this ideology nothing would drive her respect for my down more.

In the absence of power the other person will assume the dominante role. For proven biological and psychological evidence, women want a man to be that protector you've defined here as well as the leader, the decision maker, the authority because of an overwhelming need for long term security. If a woman perceives that a man's ability to provide this security is in doubt, she will step into the vaccuum that he is unable or unwilling to assume. This is why you see the predominance of women as the 'head of household" these days; the husband can't be trusted to provide this security so she will grab the stearing wheel from him and drive the family. ONEitis is the single greatest contributor to this male sense of powerlessness. By it's very nature ONEitis is disempowering because it removes (or severely lessens) from a person control of their own lives.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
I was going to start this thread myself and let you two duke it out.

In the red corner, weighing in at 946 posts, from Orlando, Florida, RooOOllloooOOO "the plate spinnerrrrr" TOOmaaAAASSSIIIIII!

And in the blue corner, originally from His World weighing in at 1,956 posts,
Mr. One-sided affection...

I want a clean fight gentlemen. No hitting below the belt.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rollo, as much as I respect your knowledge and experience, I must say that re-defining the term is only going to create a big mess. Here are the reasons why:
The opposite of one-itis. Have several chycks going and don't latch on to just one of them.
I also credit this website to keep driving into me to keep on the lookout for other girls to keep off one-itis.
The infatuation and one-itis are gone (nothing kills that stuff like feeling snubbed and going on dates with others ((I have had 2 fun lunch dates w/ a girl from work and am seeing a new one for an evening date next Saturday))

Unfortunately, Nobody can change history. There are many more posts, comments, and tips that support the well-known definition of one-itis. If someone were to do a search on one-itis to get a better understanding of it, he's going to find these posts and confuse it with your new theory.

Whether you know it or not, you've been replacing the old definition of "one-itis" with your plate theory which I (and many others) have no problem with. The plate theory is much easier to relate to. However, giving "one-itis" a new and better meaning will go over as well as New Coke. It'll just confuse people when they read old posts and threads started by Pook, Senor Fingers, Anti-dump, and many others who are quoted as recommended reading.

However, if you come up with a new word or term that works well with your theory, it will go over well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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From the book "The Game" by Neil Strauss in the glossary:

ONE-ITIS - noun: 1. an obsession with a girl whom one is not dating; pickup artists believe that such an extreme fixation on one woman significantly lowers a man's chances of dating or sleeping with her. 2. a girl with whom one is obsessed. Origin: John C. Ryan


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
Can indifference be a way to eliminate one-itis in the relationship you are in?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
I've understood one-itis to refer a target female versus an already acquired female. From one-itis sufferers you get questions like "Why doesn't she..., How can I make her..." accompanied by statements such as "She's soooo awesome.... She's a HB10 no doubt..." Where the motivation of the man is "This woman MUST BE THE ONE! I MUST get with this woman AT ALL COSTS! (regardless of the affects on me and how I may act in the process)" One-itis causes otherwise suave DJ's minds to cloud and they become complete oppossite acting W/BAFC's - foresaking themselves (and other targets) in pursuit of the "Holy Grail of Women". The reality being that the chumpish behavior actually drives the target away.

I agree that RT's definition is referring to something similar, yet different in that the woman is such a huge prize and so high up on a pedestal in the man's mind, that the man would shoot himself in the head to make her happy. However, that target has already been acquired and is more of a LTR/marriage situation. Indeed, that worship and fear of being without should have a catchy name applied to it. Something like "dependent" or "addicted".

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
My interpretation of the term 'ONEitis' is derived from the commonality of men's behaviors with this affliction, and their stating "I think she's the ONE,.." or something to that effect. The second I hear a man utter this in earnest and I know precisely what I'm dealing with.

DES: I understand and thank you regarding your efforts in running down all of the differing opinions, but it's just this breadth of definition that makes not better defining ONEitis so pervasive. If an AFC's definition of ONEitis consists of not obsessing over a girl, until he's allowed to do so within the confines of an LTR , this definition isn't helping and may retard his maturity in comparrison. The opposite is true as well for the other extreme in a PUA who stays in this "no one merits my undivided attention" in or out of an LTR. I think it equally damaging to equate a healthy LTR/marriage as an acceptable and institutionalized form of ONEitis. That's why I think the definition needs to be better explored.

I'm not attempting to put my mark on the DJ community with this. I don't want to be regarded as a Pook and certainly not as a Tyler Durden, I just think better qualifying this term is necessary. In retrospect think of the PUAs who coined this term and the variety of community members who've subjectively interpreted it to the point where it holds a meaning we can generally recognize, yet can't accurately define with any critical thought.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
RT, One-itis refers to an imagined or perceived future possibillity. Call it "future tense". There is a word for the illusion of having found what MAY be "the one". We call it, One-itis. It is in the beginning or before a relationship develops

What you are trying to incorporate is more of a "present" or "present-progressive" form of the affliction. A woman that a person has been in a relationship HAS BECOME, possibly, "the one". The difference is that a man doesn't see this woman as "the one" from the start, but troubles arise that has a man question staying or leaving... and eventually tries to stay in the relationship because they've convinced themselves that there couldn't possibly anyone better out there for them. Therefore, the one they are with must be "the one". They stay in the relationship out of convenience, lack of self esteem, and they have invested an amount of time in the relationship so the relationship appears to have more value than it actually does. This value in the relationship is what you are trying to call "one-itis", but it's actually more like unhealthy optimism or fear of change. This version of the affliction is a coping mechanism of a man in a troubled relationship versus the true meaning which is the self-defeating shock-and-awe of such a perfect woman from the outset. In your version, Rollo, it's a mindset of a man trying to make a failing relationship work or be salvaged versus scrapped. It needs a different term to describe it. Something like RTC - Rollo Tomassi Complex, or CLTO - Can't Leave The One. Heck, call it something similar sounding like ONEosis or ONEoma.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I think when people get married they have some form of oneitis, otherwise they'd just keep playing the field their whole life. Somewhere along the line they get to a point where they want to be with one gal and one gal only ... though it appears Rollo's marriage is a healthy one.

I would say marriage kind of consists of some sort of oneitis ... oneitis when one is single is awful, and I know, been there.


Oct 25, 2001
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Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Great post Wyld, and so true ... sadly, I've completed all of those phases of obsessive love. Once again, been there, done that. Glad I'm a reformed AFC. Thanks for the info!


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Desdinova said:
Unfortunately, Nobody can change history. There are many more posts, comments, and tips that support the well-known definition of one-itis. If someone were to do a search on one-itis to get a better understanding of it, he's going to find these posts and confuse it with your new theory.
If I read Rollos post correctly he wasn't looking to change history he merely wants to clarify the definition as he believes theres been a mischaracterization of oneitis.

However in order to properly debate the issue I think we al need to agree on the original definition of oneitis. I've come across several myself. There is the one Desdinova quoted earlier from Neil Strauss' book, however I would be more inclined to use alt.seduction's definition as whenever anyone asks what our acronyms means everyone post the link to alt.seduction's acronym page as we don't have one of our own.

Therefore I would suggest that we use that as a starting ground. The definition from there is
A disorder commonly found in AFCs, that forces them to think that one chick is so special that they'll do ANYTHING to get into her panties. The most common cure for this disease is to go out and **** a Baker's Dozen of other chicks to see that one piece isn't that special. Also see the first question in the ASF FAQ.
In addition for more clarification I will also post te first ASF FAQ for an indepth explanation.

There's this one woman (I've been chasing for X days/months/years)... how do I get her to [like / love / sleep with me]?"

A: This is called "one-itis". An AFC who doesn't realize he's an AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) will never understand why nobody can answer this question for him or why he will never be able to get this woman with his current mindset. First, you have to realize that if you're thinking this way, you will always be an AFC and will almost always fail with women (you're only sucesses coming from luck - hence, the term "getting lucky" which is used often by AFC types). Here's why you can't win over this woman: you don't yet know how to go out and get 10 more desireable women in a short amount of time. If you DID know how to do that, you would not be obsessed with getting this one woman and you would already know how to answer your own question. Why? Think about it. If you could go out and have 10 (or more) women who are smarter, nicer, more beautiful, and more exciting than the one you are obsessing about, how important do you think she would be to you? You see, you can't just go from being an AFC to PUA (Pick-up Artist) without a certain understanding. You have to first admit to yourself that you're an AFC and get into recovery mode, becoming an RAFC (Recovering AFC). Learn to stop thinking like an AFC and the road to becoming a PUA will be clear. Once that road is clear, you will begin to understand the answer to this question. The reason this question is so difficult for an AFC to grasp is that truly understanding the answer is an epiphany.

[jetman coined one-itis, one of the most problematic symptoms of AFCs]
I think before we debate apples and oranges we need to know whether we are debating apples or oranges.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Now that I've made my unbiased post about definitions and have further read to understand where this disagreement is comin from, its time to put my 2 cents in.

Continuing on my previous post, I think we need to clarify what oneitis really means. I've posted the definition from that I have always been introduced to on the site. I suggest that we continue to work with that as a basis or starting point.

No where in that definition does it explicitly state that oneitis is only when your not involved in a relationship with a women. I think everyone on here would agree that an AFC could enter a relationship with a women. Based on that agreement, I would argue as RT has that someone involved in LTR can have oneitis.

Desdinova: Are you saying that someone involved in a LTR cannot have oneitis? If so I think 90% of the references to oneitis on this site would be wrong then. Most posters here have already had sex with the women they are chasing when they come here and all the experienced DJ's tell them they have oneitis.

If we were to use your definition of oneitis I think the only place it would be used would primarily be in the HS forum. I believe the use of oneitis one the board has meant that an AFC thinks a girl is so special, they'll do anything to get her whether or not they've already had her in the past.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Desdinova: Are you saying that someone involved in a LTR cannot have oneitis?
Not at all. They way I've always thought of "one-itis" is to close off all other options and focus on ONE woman. Men will do this with women they want to date, with women they are in the friend zone with, women they're dating, and women they're in a LTR with.

If you look at it this way, one-itis is irrelevant if the man is actually involved in some sort of relationship with the woman.

What Rollo seems to be leaning toward is putting the woman on a pedestal, handing all his power to her, and becoming her slave. The woman is then perfect in the man's eyes, and is viewed as a "soulmate" based on his infatuation for her.

Whenever I discredit the soulmate idea, I replace it with the "ideal woman" since there can be many ideal women for one man.

When I refer to the man handing all his power over to the woman, I call it supplication.

The way I've understood seduction the best is when it's broken down into the smallest pieces possible. That's pretty much what this site is all about. You take a technique, break it down to see how it works, study it, and try it out in the field.

I think that's why it would be best to keep one-itis and supplication seperate from each other.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Can indifference be a way to eliminate one-itis in the relationship you are in?
I would think indifference would just trash the relationship you are in. Think about it, how many people would you continue to spend time with who treat you indifferently. Unless the LTR is exclusive, the obvious has been said over and over, date more women. If exclusive, start focusing more on yourself again and the things & friends you enjoy most. If she's right for you she'll support it and [continue] to compliment your life and most likely things will get even better because she won't feel as suffocated, etc.

Great post Wyld, and so true ... sadly, I've completed all of those phases of obsessive love. Once again, been there, done that. Glad I'm a reformed AFC. Thanks for the info!
Ditto to that post Wyld. Just like Westcoaster, I managed to get a fair way through thoses phases once too. Ironically, it was that very book I grabbed one day and read that really knocked me straight.

This brings me to a point I've wondered about lately when the term One-itis is used. Although it wreaks havoc on the AFC, many stages of One-itis are relatively benign. Sure he (or me or the next) guy might be fixed on a single babe and everyone around can spot it. And that dude is wasting away his good years even though this site tries it's best to help him do otherwise. Yet he is the only one harming himself.

However there often comes a point where the AFC passes well beyond ONE-itis and into this more unhealthy infatuation which I agree should be [appropriately] labeled an obsession. Just hearing that word (and especially making him/oneself admit it) can go a long way towards knocking some sense into the AFC who's run amok. As we read the continuous justification, rationalization and analysis of a fellow forum member we're often seeing ONE-itis start it's transisition towards Obsession.

In many ways ONE-itis is a great term. Just reading/hearing it for the first time you sort of get it. Yet it covers such an extremely broad range of behaviors from simply sniping to serial dating to AFC's bordering on pure supplication and then there are the unhealthier faces of never ending analysis and the worst case of an obsession.

What I find most interesting about this general topic. Typically, in just a single post, everyone except the guy with ONE-itis can peg it instantly. We don't even know the guy or his girl or all of the details. And the AFC just won't let himself see it from some reason. Yet its like the AFC's subconcious is driving him to seek help where to any other individual it will be so obvious it is often frustrating just to observe.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
Terms such as "oneitis", "AFC", etc., are very simple conceptually.

As the definitions become bloated, the terms loose their effectiveness.

IMHO, the farther you distill these terms down into bite-sized pieces, the more men will gain value from them, which means more of our brothers will be helped.

We should be trying to simplify these terms, not obfuscate them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Well gentlemen, this is a very interesting thread. I agree with RT on the idolization of the relationship. To me, oneitis is associated with obsession, and blinding yourself to other options. Of course I've experienced it, both long term in HS and short term (2 days on a trip)

Rollo makes a point about insecurity and oneitis which I also totally agree with, but this is a different case of oneitis. I also agree with Desdinova's "ideal woman" in fact, I buy into it fully. You like a particular "kind" of woman and there can be many women who fit that category.

By the way, once I got over my oneitis, it was very easy to see another girl whom I'd been missing, who turned out to be 10 times better than my oneitis. I also got a slight case of oneitis (ie. obsession) for the new girl, and then with a simple flip in my brain, boom she was back to regular ground. The flip in my head was really simple in both cases, but I made a point of telling my friend my decision, and it has worked so far.

So ultimately I think there are two cases oneitis with a girl in an LTR (insecurity) and oneitis with a girl you are not in an LTR with (obsession)

The solution for the first kind of oneitis can be a simple decision and a flip in your thinking, but for the second kind, as posted above, it wouldn't work. A better thing to do is to deal with your insecurities and personal issues and keep her on her toes, but not too much or she'll think you're hard to please :whistle: