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  1. M

    Getting over a heartbreak

    Cut your finger instead of calling her! Your best move is to do nothing! She dumped you, now let her see she lost you! It is difficult, it may take a while and tons of patience, but you are making yourself valuable not contacting her!! And loosing all your good effort in a moment is not an...
  2. M

    Weird feeling my girlfriend is going to dump me over my performance anxiety issues

    Many girls are pissed when thay suffer this problems. Many others, however, and luckily have the patience enough to aid in solving it. I speak from experience like PairPlusRoyalFlush (curiosly when I was 23). I try to see it not like a problem, but as a consecuences of caring about a girl...
  3. M

    Weird feeling my girlfriend is going to dump me over my performance anxiety issues

    You just need confidence. If the girl is good enough, and is patient, she'll wait, and probably one day your problem will solve automatically. Don't worry to talk with her about this, when you remove all the $hit in your head, you'll see improvements.
  4. M

    Is this girl still interested in me?

    I experienced something similar recently, clearly she's not so attracted into you. If the plates she's spinning fails, she could return eventually to you in the future, but I advise to not taking very serious an unstable girl like this. If that's the case, be more agressive and take what you...
  5. M

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    To everybody, thanks for the updates, even if we don't talk, those we see this thread find it very helpful. BLEEDINGLOVE, please try to stop over rationalising things, he is probably not so happy nor he did'nt forget you so easy, stop overanalyzing! It happens because you are hurt, don't...
  6. M

    Crappy night two, the comeback

    But the car IS yours, the girl NOT. She's not worth the fight, it only makes you appears desperate or something like this. Maintain dignity and walk aways, just my 2 cents.
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    Meeting my 1st girl from OkCupid

    As a rule of thumb, try to keep it short to maintain a good IL. Probably the girl is going to be a bit more receptive than another one not dated from internet. BTW, just try to have fun!
  8. M

    Ex just wants to talk about superficial....

    Do you want to recover her, or to recover yourself? Good news, solution is the same in both cases: Forget her, and absolutely NC her. Eventually you´ll end with first or second option. Second is better.
  9. M

    Meeting up with ex - 1st to act?

    So you want to get back your girl? Are you sure? She dumped you via text and still think she earned your attention? Do what you think it´s best, but don't act desperatedly, she failed and it's up to you to decide if she's worth your time. And really take your time to her and...
  10. M

    Sex is boring

    You always miss what you don't have.
  11. M

    Feeling like my best days are behind me....

    First post ever, so hi to all folks! Hey Bud_fox, I know how it feels, I just broke up about three months ago, from an almost 3 year relationship. You already know this site helps and has great info and folks for us to man up, and this is a great resource i´d never be grateful enough...