Crappy night two, the comeback

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Following the events previously happened here an other field report:
Good riddance, probably the most frustrating week of 2012, to hell with easter

I met again this two girls from university this time for a quick drink at one of the student pubs, where a situation similar to the previous one happened.
The one I liked had a terrible attitute which I hardly tolerated and that turned me into apathetic while the other one was somehow friendly.
To make it short we left about 1 hour later not without them making indirect jokes about those other guys they spent the night yesterday, (after I changed venue the day before).

I texted to an other girl I like to meet but she knew I was with this other two girls so went home and when I reached her she was already there, no big deal since when u are prepared for frustration you can handle more.

So I decided to go into an other club to hunt alone, after having a drink and relaxing I approaced a girl I already met few weeks before and toke her to the sofa, managed to do kino and kiss her neck but still unable to kiss her lips.

Long story short the friend of this girl meet a guy on the dance floor, and this guy happened to be with 4 friends.
This guy invites the friend of the girl I was with to chill out at their place and the girl I was with said "she had to go to dont leave her friend alone", at this point my bvllsh1t meter was flashing yellow but didnt pay too much attention.

What really pissed me off was when one of the friend of that guy came to speak with my girl while we were sitting on the sofa, he even gave me his hand which I had to shake to avoid looking grumpy but trust me I would have loved to push him down.

Anyway he insists and they finally start to move at this point anyway I was kinda hot and said to the fvcker that I had to give the goodnight kiss to her (voice tone something like a nuclear threath from iran leader).
So I kiss her on her cheek and then tell her to kiss me on mine with the purpose of turning my head at the last moment and get the lips, however I failed to do that and got an other kiss on the cheek.

Anyway I was too annoyed to care about conseguences so I grabbed her face holded it with strengh and kissed her on lips, well actually I kissed her teeth but that doesnt matter, its the action that does.
I wanted to get what I was working for and wanted to show to those fvckers that I wasnt gonna disappear in silence just because they wished.

The bastard give me again his hand which I shake before moving away, it was late and I was gonna leave so tried some other quick approach who failed then came back home.

I think Im the only man who succeed in being jealous of two different girls.
I'll better spin as much plates as possible, actually jealousy is less heavy when is divided among different girls, probably the brain cant copy.

What I learned?
1)never introduce to "friends" any girl you are trying to get

2)Get strong before getting ripped,if I wanted to start a confrontation with that guy Im sure muscle would have helped more than my six pack.

Any tought or critic?

Anyway all those bastards trying to get the girls Im working on start to become untolerable and Im afraid I'll end up in some fight sooner or later...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
I understand your frustration. We've all been there at some point.

Don't take these chicks serious. Forget them.

I personally think you shouldn't waste your time, but if you want to continue pursuing, i would try to get them out of the bar environment. try to get them to do some day activity. maybe a lunch date or something

no alcohol, no other unexpected pu$$y hungry dudes, no ****blocks, no distractions

i know you probably said the thing about getting into a fight because you're frustrated but you can't get into a fight over women. especially women that arent your girlfriends. just play it cool and spin some plates

the more girls in your arsenal, the less bull**** you deal with


Don Juan
Feb 20, 2012
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Drowning In Vaginal Fluids. Help.
Fight? For a girl?!
C'mon man, do better. They aren't worth it.

But if you wanna... Who are we to stop ya? Just make sure you are strong enough to beat "mr. intruder" a** six ways to sunday or else guess who's gonna end up regretting it?

Don Israel

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2009
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Montreal, CA
Sure, you can workout. Not so you'll able to fight better or have and advantage but for bettering yourself healthwise. Eventually when your walking a strong and powerful frame into a club, you'll just laugh at would-be ****blocks who will cower at the very sight of you.

No fighting necessary :rockon:

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Dont get me wrong the fight is not for the girl, the fight is for me, its no different than kicking a guy whos trying to steal your car.

It didnt piss me off the fact that the girls didnt spread their legs for me but that someone toke advatange of the situation to come and pee in my yard.
Anyway the fighting is better to be avoided althought that would be great for my mood to hit one of them.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Who Dares Win said:
Dont get me wrong the fight is not for the girl, the fight is for me, its no different than kicking a guy whos trying to steal your car.

But the car IS yours, the girl NOT.

She's not worth the fight, it only makes you appears desperate or something like this. Maintain dignity and walk aways, just my 2 cents.

SMS 48

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
You're a retard, there is no point of starting a fight over a woman.

I'm a retard too, in a different way, in the sense that I get very jealous too. But that doesn't excuse your retardation. Hos gonna ho, its not worth an assault charge.