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  1. W

    How do you hide your attraction?

    OK, anyone else have a thought on this topic?
  2. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Wow....that's me! I walk stiff and fast, and I suppose I have the sideways gaze and/or shifty eyes too! Stop being a creep? Heh... I've only recently realized I was being one. And am I "being one" or AM I one? Because I'm obviously not trying to be a creep. So is it even possible to...
  3. W

    How do you hide your attraction?

    OK, but could you elaborate on this please?
  4. W

    "nice guy" / "jerk" explained

    I wannabe a goddam man, I just don't know how. I guess that's why I'm here, trying to learn. I'd love to hear anything more specific you care to add. Thanks.
  5. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Thanks man - that will be very helpful for me to keep in mind.
  6. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Haha - good attitude. But my case is more serious than that - nobody actually called me anything - but they made me feel like a creep by the way they looked at me. I felt it in my heart for seriously hurt. An entirely different scenario than the fun situation you describe.
  7. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Now, THAT is a very interesting definition. That's exactly how that girl made me feel with the expression on her face.... "you should not be a sexual creature". Or maybe just "I'm shocked that you are interested in me".
  8. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Haha - I hear you. In a way I'm glad this girl is mad at me and a bunch of her friends seem mad at me - it's in an office, so nobody has called me jerk or creep or ******* to my face, but I can tell that's what they're thinking. And you know what? At least they don't think I'm a "nice...
  9. W

    what is a "creep"?

    Exactly - I'm the same way. And I think a lot of people perceive me as arrogant, aloof, unfriendly, etc. Hey, I'm an introvert, that's all. It takes a lot of energy for me to talk to someone, all the more so because I'm hard-of-hearing and have to focus on their face/lips in order to...
  10. W

    what is a "creep"?

    No, you're right, I'm not as introverted/shy/quiet when with family or close friends. But just about any other time I am... I just posted a brief account of the horrible experience that made me feel like a creep - see my thread "hot babe of the office" I've been pretty much a loner since...
  11. W

    Dating a co-worker....

    I'll certainly think twice before asking out a girl at work. Just imagine this - you come to work the next day and your boss comes to your desk and says "Why don't you follow me?" You follow him to a conference room where another manager joins you, and one of them says "So we heard that you...
  12. W

    the "hot babe" of the office

    I'm guessing every office has one - the hot babe. She knows it, she acts like it, and lots of guys go up to her desk all day long, chatting her up and making her laugh. Hell, even her (male) boss is at her desk too much of the time, chatting her up and making her laugh. Sure, guys are...
  13. W

    why do girls freak out?

    Why the **** do they do that? Why can't they be nice and say "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend", even if they don't? Don't they realize how tough it is for us to approach them and risk rejection? Why can't they take it as a compliment (that a guy is interested in them enough to make the...
  14. W

    what is a "creep"?

    What exactly is a creep, and how do you avoid being one? Recently I had a horrible experience which made me feel like the girl thinks I'm a "creep", yet I'm still not exactly clear on what it means. Sure, I'm pretty introverted... that's not my fault - it's a freakin' temperament that...
  15. W

    How do you hide your attraction?

    OK, so how do you show her you're attracted to her without seeming needy or desperate? I don't need to know any unique things about a chick to know I'm hot for her. None of that matters to me - I already know instantly. So I'm supposed to hide my lust for her long enough to ask her stupid...
  16. W

    "nice guy" / "jerk" explained

    Let me add that I fall into the non-hot guy category. (I've always known it, though I like to delude myself that I'm actually a hot guy, and that somehow the hot babes just don't see it.) Seriously though, I think I still have hope. That hope is MONEY. If I can figure out how to get...
  17. W

    How do you hide your attraction?

    It seems that the key to getting a babe is to somehow hide the fact that you're attracted to her, at least in the beginning. If she knows you want her, she'll reject you out of hand. But how do you do that? For me, I can talk just fine to 95% of females, whom I'm not attracted to, and whom I...
  18. W

    "nice guy" / "jerk" explained

    I had an "aha!" moment this morning: I think I finally figured out this mystery about girls being attracted to "jerks" and not "nice guys". Maybe some of you already understand this, but it was a revelation to me. It's not that girls like guys who mistreat them, or dislike guys who are nice...
  19. W

    Very Odd Girl - help me figure this out, please!

    Thanks to all you guys - all of your posts were very helpful. I know I F-d up big-time, and want to learn as much as I can from this experience so I can get over it and never go through this nightmare again. Your posts definitely help. You're right - she treats me like I'm a creep, I...