How do you hide your attraction?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
It seems that the key to getting a babe is to somehow hide the fact that you're attracted to her, at least in the beginning. If she knows you want her, she'll reject you out of hand.

But how do you do that? For me, I can talk just fine to 95% of females, whom I'm not attracted to, and whom I basically consider to be guys. But a babe? A girl I'm interested in? I can barely talk to such a girl, much less hide the fact that I'm interested in her. I'd be way too nervous, and/or "nice". Usually what I do is try to find some flaw in her so I can excuse myself from even trying to approach her!

Can somebody help me out here?

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
haha that is what i used to think too.
you don't wanna drown her with attention,
but you really have to show that you are attracted to her.
let her know that you are interested.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
wannabesuave said:
It seems that the key to getting a babe is to somehow hide the fact that you're attracted to her, at least in the beginning. If she knows you want her, she'll reject you out of hand.
Who told you that load of sh!t? Women want guys who want them. They want to feel desirable. They only reject guys who *need* them - aka the needy, desperate guys.

You want to show your attraction, however you only do it after you've qualified her. Do it in steps. Get her to show you unique things about her that you find cool, then give her specific compliments on those, for example. Couple that with kinos etc.

If you hide your attraction, you're showing a few things:

- You're not interested (and by the time you make a move, she'll LJBF you)
- You're afraid of showing your sexuality and attraction for a woman (and when you have the balls to make a move, you'll be labeled creepy guy or limp ****)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Jitterbug said:
Who told you that load of sh!t? Women want guys who want them. They want to feel desirable. They only reject guys who *need* them - aka the needy, desperate guys. ...
SHHHHHHH!!!! He's making it even easier for the rest of us by disqualifying themselves....


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
OK, so how do you show her you're attracted to her without seeming needy or desperate?

I don't need to know any unique things about a chick to know I'm hot for her. None of that matters to me - I already know instantly. So I'm supposed to hide my lust for her long enough to ask her stupid questions about herself, and then show that I'm hot for her, and pretend it's because of some stupid stuff she revealed about herself? Is that it?

How is that different from just being a "nice guy"?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
:D FdA, maybe I should keep my mouth shut. Can't help it right now though.

wannabesuave said:
I don't need to know any unique things about a chick to know I'm hot for her. None of that matters to me - I already know instantly. So I'm supposed to hide my lust for her long enough to ask her stupid questions about herself, and then show that I'm hot for her, and pretend it's because of some stupid stuff she revealed about herself? Is that it?
That's needy. Attractive women are a dime a dozen (unless you live in pumpkin town, bumblefvckwhoopwhoop). Raise your standards and stop thinking with your d!ck.

If you want an analogy, women are like foods. A hungry bum with no standard will eat anything. A man with class still loves the food but appreciates more about the food (how the ingredients were selected, how it was prepared & cooked, its historical background etc.) than just stuffing his stomach with it. And guess what? The hungry bums of our world don't get fed.
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score

The whole idea seems to be to communicate that you are attracted to her, but in a non-wimpy way.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
JitterbugAttractive women are a dime a dozen...[/QUOTE said:
Actually, I think this may be a big part of my problem. I simply don't find that many women to be attractive (and no, I'm not gay - I don't find ANY men attractive, at least not in a sexual sense).

Maybe I'm "too picky", or maybe I just have high standards, or I don't know. Part of it is that I like young, petite, Asian or Asian-looking girls (for example, I'd consider Paris Hilton "Asian-looking" - I don't know if anyone else can see that. A person of any race could have Asian beauty - it involves NOT being fat, and having clear skin (not that all Asians do, but in general), being petite, etc.

Here in the US, even in California, a very small percentage of girls are attractive to me. Just about everyone these days has a "muffin top" or love handles or whatever - it's such a huge turnoff. The whole culture is being destroyed by bad food. Everything has corn syrup and/or hydrogenated oil in it.

So anyway, hot girls aren't a dime a dozen to me, and I have no interest in approaching girls I'm not interested in (why expend the energy when I have zero desire for them?), and the hot girls intimidate me.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
FireOnTheMountain said:

The whole idea seems to be to communicate that you are attracted to her, but in a non-wimpy way.
OK, but could you elaborate on this please?


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
What you could do is start small talk like hello how are you? how you like the party? then say I gotta go back to my friends I will talk to you later. This will warm her up and think about you. I'm not saying say the exact words, but something like that. It shows you are interested in talking to her. It also doesn't come off like you are madly inlove with her lol. Let the small talk marinate in her mind. Then when you come back you can actually talk to her like you would do to any other chick.

Sin Verdad

Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, not showing interest in a girl doesn't make sense. Hide in plain sight, man. I used to do that all the time and that was when I never got any tail Sure, I would still have women ask me out. But then they wouldn't show up. This happened like 12 times in a row. I believe all the women did it just to mess with me, though.

Now I am extremely honest with girls. I'm like "Yeah, I have to do you. Who are we to deny it".


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Jitterbug said:
Who told you that load of sh!t? Women want guys who want them. They want to feel desirable. They only reject guys who *need* them - aka the needy, desperate guys.

You want to show your attraction, however you only do it after you've qualified her. Do it in steps. Get her to show you unique things about her that you find cool, then give her specific compliments on those, for example. Couple that with kinos etc.

If you hide your attraction, you're showing a few things:

- You're not interested (and by the time you make a move, she'll LJBF you)
- You're afraid of showing your sexuality and attraction for a woman (and when you have the balls to make a move, you'll be labeled creepy guy or limp ****)


Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
disqualify and neg in the beginning, get IOIs then, let her know you are attracted. easy


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
SHHHHHHH!!!! He's making it even easier for the rest of us by disqualifying themselves....
hahaha!! :D

I didn't read the whole thread! But if this was ME, I would let my emotions out. Emotions are contagious!! :D I bet she'll be attracted to me quickly too! I can't think of a reason NOT to let go of my emotions!

You let all of the desire out with the EYES! You EC her, don't break it until she does, bla bla, you should know the deal. And it wouldn't hurt to be a little sexual sometimes I guess. But the important thing is to keep her guesing! Women should know you're interrested, just not how much. Let her figure it out! Don't ruin the ful by telling HEY I LIKE YOU DO YOU LIKE ME CMON LETS GET OUTTA HERE, women are not like that, they are like made to pick up clues and to figure things out. (And they enjoy it more then anything else!).

So don't hide the attraction, and don't show HOW MUCH you're attracted to her, drop some sexual clues here and there, don't stop the EC, and gimme a break, don't be all cute and seek for approval. Just because you like her doesn't mean she can get away with everything she does and don't act that you'll die if she doesn't like you.

And to add a last note, if you REALLY LIKE HER, building rapport should be easy! And you should be realxed, and having a great time! :up:

wow, a topic worth replying to... :D MIRACLEE!!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
good topic

Jitterbug said:
If you want an analogy, women are like foods. A hungry bum with no standard will eat anything. A man with class still loves the food but appreciates more about the food (how the ingredients were selected, how it was prepared & cooked, its historical background etc.) than just stuffing his stomach with it. And guess what? The hungry bums of our world don't get fed.
:up: I love this

If you have hung out this girl more than one time its pretty F#@kin obvious that you are attracted to her. You just don't want her to think that your obsessing over her. Yes women do want u to be attracted to her but you cant be like your beautiful every time you see her.

You need to sit back and just chill. This is what i have learned over time.

I was very worried about this girl. Somewhat same situation. I didn't want it to be to obvious that i really liked this girl in which I really did. but that was my problem. I realized that i was becoming a ***** just because i really liked this girl so i stepped back and started to play it cool. I immeadeatly saw results.

So stop being a pansy and Just go out there and have fun.... give her attention but dont act like she is the last girl on earth.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
wannabesuave said:
It seems that the key to getting a babe is to somehow hide the fact that you're attracted to her, at least in the beginning. If she knows you want her, she'll reject you out of hand.

But how do you do that? For me, I can talk just fine to 95% of females, whom I'm not attracted to, and whom I basically consider to be guys. But a babe? A girl I'm interested in? I can barely talk to such a girl, much less hide the fact that I'm interested in her. I'd be way too nervous, and/or "nice". Usually what I do is try to find some flaw in her so I can excuse myself from even trying to approach her!

Can somebody help me out here?
answer me one question, do you think dennis rodman or steven tyler (aerosmith) doesnt show any interest in the woman they like? they behave asexual? oh come on, maybe the analogy wasn't that good. do you know what women mean when they say they want a confident man, they mean the man who is sure of himself and doesnt give a **** what others thinks about him, he knows what he wants and goes for it. women like strong guys who are interested in women but yet hold their power in their hands. suppose a very hot stud guy goes to college, and he sees a damsel, very attractive, now it is very likely that the gal is not going to chase him and wouldn't even pay much attention at first. but he knows he deserves this girl and not for a moment, he doubts himself. he knows he wants the girl and goes after it HARD and PERSISTENT. follow your inner man. you will get waht you want. she would like him because he is more a man than others, who approach her from a weak place and those who don't pay much attention to her. by the latter, she will be intrigued but not attracted. the stud would win her over. be that stud! i once heard,"a man who takes pride in how he expresses himself is as attractive to a woman as a playboy bunny would be to us guys" you get me now? great! go kill them, tiger!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Groovys post in here was pretty good.

The question is: how do you show attraction in a girl without seeming needy and desperate?

The answer is to show attraction in a girl without seeming needy or desperate. I'm not even being sarcastic. You have to be able to feel attraction to a woman without needing her to feel attraction to you or act in a certain way. You should not hide it at all. This does not mean to go out and tell her. Just when you are with her feel it, she will feel it to through your body language and voice tone without you even to have to think about it. You need to be able to feel attracted to her, without needing her, if that makes snese to you. You have an abundance mindset so you know if you don't get her other attractive girls, but you want to enjoy her while you can.

The important thing is to have standards for girls that do not depend on their looks. You need to show her you are attracted to her but you will not sleep with her or go out with her just because of her looks. You do this by asking her things about herself and rewarding her when you find something you like. If you find out she likes the same music as you, tell her that is awesome and use some kino like giving her a hug.

I hope I made it clear, all of this stuff is vital so if you don't understand it just ask questions.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Why should you hide your attraction?

Here's how I game ladies these days, roughly:

1. Meet cool girl

2. Show sexual interest, brief & interesting convo, kino

3. Show interest in other girls in front of her, social proof/raising my value, she sees that other girls are interested in me as well.

4. Go back to cool girl and give her a second chance

5. Minor push/pull depending on her interest level

6. Kino, deeper convo, escalate, make out, etc.


Nowhere do I HIDE my attraction for a girl, I simply show attraction to other girls as well.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Hiding your attraction is nothing more then a lame attempt to protect your ego from the pain of rejection.

There's nothing wrong with letting a woman know that you find her attractive and would like to bang the hell out of her, as long as you do it tactfully and diplomatically.

This "hide your attraction" BS is counter-productive and is designed to protect guys with fragile egos who can't deal with rejection.

All things equal, what would a woman prefer? A guy who plays High School games or one who is open about his intentions towards a woman?

Women know why we approach them and talk to them. Hiding it or acting disinterested just shows a lack of balls and a fear of rejection and insecurity.

You're not fooling her, you're only fooling yourself.

She knows what's up.