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  1. R

    Highschool Bootcamp?

    yeah something like this could really help me, especially if it wast made for co-ed schools. I think dreamX started one but he got banned.
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    is it possible for short people to be dominant?

    yeah thats right im actually anglo. Im the smallest anglo at my school, and one of the smallest any way. Is there any way to tell how much i should expect to grow to? is it true if i drink lots of milk i will grow?
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    is it possible for short people to be dominant?

    im 15 and im 5'2. Im like a ****ing runt. I was so small when I was born I had to be put in an incubation crib. is there any way to make up for this at all?
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    how can you keep a posititve attitude

    For about the past week ive had a really positive attiude and it made heaps of difference in the amount of stuff I achieved each day. I overcame more fears, had better conversations and also people seemed to notice the difference. Now I need to stay like this and not go back to being negative...
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    im stuck

    I want to improve myself. I really do, and I am improving slowly. My attitude is improving, and ive joinded some clubs. But really it never feels like anythings changing. Ive wanted to improve myself almost as far as I can remeber but I never really have. Every day I just go to school, where...
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    There actually exercises and stuff you can do which is supposed to make you grow taller. It might be bs though.
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    Is there a way to learn to tell a girls age, I dont want to accdentally try to pick up a 13 yr old. Also will they think im younger than them because Im short, I dont look young and I have a deep voice though. Should I only go for chicks shorter than me? If so they could still think im younger...
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    I need more confidence

    So now I have to get some. I tried talking confident, but that didnt work, i just couldnt get into the flow of it, mabey I should watch some movies with confident people or somthing, audio files would be easier though. I've been practising body languadge for ages, but I know I have it wrong...
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    what can I do?

    I dont have AIM. Do you have msn?
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    Getting treatment for Social Anxiety

    how can you tell the difference bettween social anxiety and shyness? i get a bit nervous just walking past people on the street but i never go out of my way to aviod it
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    what can I do?

    I still havent managed to change my life from this site, I havent even manged to make one single approach. Im basically just like how Viper used to be, except I dont usally sit on the computer and whine about my probelms on forums, I just sit there and whine about them to myself. Then I will be...
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    What sports should I try?

    I wanna start a new sport but the problem is I have no idea what to do. Right now the only sport I do is tennis, which a kind of suck at, everyone in my group is younger than me and my coach wont let me play competition for some reason, so I think i might drop that. I played lacrosse for the...
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    What music should i listen to?

    Im trying to be more positive and stuff and I was thinking one way I can do it is though music. By listening to positve music saying stuff like you can do it and stuff. I really like music and I have been influenced by it to think some stupid stuff in the past. So now I want to use this to make...
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    HighSchool DJ Bootcamp 2005

    Then why the hell dont you just work on changing your voice tone?
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    appoaching poeple in public

    Yeah I would do that except I go to an all guys school
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    HighSchool DJ Bootcamp 2005

    can some one answer my question please
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    appoaching poeple in public

    Are girls my age (15) used to being approached in public? My biggest fear that stops me approaching people is them being like "what are you talking to me for?'. If every one did it all the time i would have no probelms with it but im not sure they do. Once I get rid of this fear I'm ready to...
  18. R

    HighSchool DJ Bootcamp 2005

    I go to an all guys school. Would I still be able to complete the boot camp if I signed up? Maybey like every time you say meet a chick at school I could try to meet the chick on the way to school, or something. That would be really hard for me to do, though.
  19. R

    when people say no 1 likes u and u hav no frieds

    today in school this guy goes to me 'no one likes you and you have no friends'. what the hell do i do when some one says that? i no that i have no real good friends at school but i didnt think people paticurlly disliked me. no one really acts like they dont like me, but mabey theyre just being...
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    poepl e think im a stoner

    At school, ive earned the rep of being the stoner. I think its cause im tired almost all of the time and cause of the tone of my voice. So how can i have more energy? The only thing i can think of is my diet but i dont know how to improve it, mabey i just dont know enough what i should eat. I...