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  1. R

    Ultimate beginner questions..

    Or should I just join up now and work it out as I go?
  2. R

    Ultimate beginner questions..

    Cool, are videos enough to learn from? Or do I need someone to show me..
  3. R

    Ultimate beginner questions..

    I didn't say that RDI or macronutriets would damage my health, if thats what you meant. I will read a book on this stuff, but I have already read quite a few articles understood the absolute basics.
  4. R

    Ultimate beginner questions..

    Thanks for the advice Throttle. Apparently in the orientation the trainer will design a program for you. Will I not learn enough to just get started?
  5. R

    Ultimate beginner questions..

    I checked the stickies, sorry if I missed these questions. 1. I don't know how to do use any equipment properly. I don't want to do something stupid and injure myself. There is a one hour compulsory session if I join my unis gym, should I assume that this will cover everything? 2. This...
  6. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Your right, 7 hi's won't do much. But, at least at first, it will take me a lot of time walking the street trying to force myself to say hi. Plus I don't know how much time I will have this week. So this week will be a warm up, I will aim for 20 hi's.
  7. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Looks like this journal may be a very slow process. My goal this week is to get 7 hi's. Also I am going to set myself a social goal, and I'm going to read it to myself everyday as it describes in the book Think and Grow Rich. Has anyone got a recommendation of a good goal to generally improve...
  8. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Well, finally I got the first 'hi'. Don't know if the guy really heard me though but anyway. I started uni today, just a tour of the place with about 10 people. I didn't really talk to anyone much, I was just glad I wasn't feeling nervous, and none of the other guys were talking to each other...
  9. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Well this hasn’t gone well, still hasn’t managed to get a single hi. What happened is that the thought of having to do this was pretty stressful. Actually doing it should not be that much of a big deal. But what happened was that I got so stressed out about the idea of this, that the only time I...
  10. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    My main focus is for now on bootcamp stuff. But I'll start a little slower, to make sure I actually get started. My first challenge is to get 5 his by the end of the Sunday night. This should be a simple warm up, so I have no excuses.
  11. R

    When should you start approaching?

    What do you guys think is the minimum social ability that a guy needs to be able to benefit from cold approaching/bootcamp? At least in theory, there has to be some point at which it would cause mare damage than benefit. You can find more about my individual situation here...
  12. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    What would you guys recommend as being the baseline level that someone has to be at for them to be able to benefit from cold approaching? I'd be particularly interested to hear from some of the people who do a lot of cold approaching personally. For many years I sabotaged myself through my...
  13. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Thanks for the advice BigWillyStyle. I have also thought in the past that cold approaching, bootcamp ect is a little bit odd, and perhaps something that would be better for someone who already has good social skills. Unfortunately, ‘expanding on my current group of friends’ has also failed on...
  14. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Yeah, I just don't want to be the one kid who's drinking moderately if everyone else is getting smashed, but I don't want to make a fool of myself either.
  15. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    Yeah my ultimate goal is a long way off, I'm not expecting any miracles here. Yesterday I was going to get this started, at least say ‘hi’ to one person or something. But I went outside, and it was really hot and I was in a bad mood, and then my back just randomly started hurting so I gave up...
  16. R

    RHCP’s social improvement Journal

    My Situation Here’s my situation. Socially, I’m very below average. I’m 18 and just finished school, going to uni this year. I’ve never touched a girl, only ever been to a few parties and have a fair bit of social anxiety. Right now, my social life is very very small. I went to an all guy’s...
  17. R

    Winter BC WEEK 1

    Unfortunately due to some stressful stuff that came up I wasn't able to start this week. I was preoccupied dealing with other things, and I wasn't really in a great frame of mind for starting the boot camp. I should have done it anyway, but I didn't, so now I'm starting tomorrow. I'll try to...
  18. R

    Why I believe cheating can be ethical

    I disagree because if someone is in a committed relationship they are basically giving their word that they will not cheat on them and therefore cheating is lying. I do not think that women should be judged for being 'sluts', but cheating is a whole different thing. It signifies lack of character.
  19. R

    Christmas Bootcamp

    Hi, I’m RHCP. I’m 18 and I live in Melbourne. I found this site way back in 2005, when I really wanted a girlfriend but I had just moved to an all guys school. I did not make any immediate improvements, but instead wasted a lot of time reading articles and not doing anything. Over the next...
  20. R

    "nice guy" / "jerk" explained

    All this guy did was take a concept from the DJ bible and twist it so that it included a genetic excuse for guys not being able to get girls.