Why I believe cheating can be ethical


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
Why I believe cheating with a girl who has a bf can be ethical

I actually heard this while visiting a single philosophy class Wisconsin University, about eight years ago. I never thought I would be discussing that course's content now.

Anyway, here is the analogy the professor was also discussing in class that I want to focus on:

"Suppose a man is brought to a prison cell, and thrown inside with his companion, and the captors say, "you cannot leave the door is locked." But the captors lie and they never actually do lock the door. So the man sits in the prison cell, believing he is not at liberty to leave when in fact he is. Let's say he never tests the door to verify that he is in fact locked in the room for whatever reason, perhaps due to the good company of his companion."

Is he really free to leave? In a sense, yes he was at liberty to leave, but he was not free in some sense to choose to leave. In other words, assuming the man would have left if he'd known he could have, he did not choose to stay there. The point is, he did not choose this. He would have chosen to leave had he known this were an option.

(Let's leave aside the question "well why didn't he try the door." There are many ways to set up the thought experiment to get around that question, for instance, by locking the door but hiding the key inside, or whatever. I use the door being unlocked keep the analogy simple and focused.)

Getting back to women, I think this second analogy with the secretly unlocked room illustrates the choice women face in their social contracts. Many people in society often "inform" them that they need to get into a relationship, not be sleeping around, if they have a lot of sex they will be seen as dirty and not marriage material etc. But the real consequence is that if a girl has sex with a guy for her own reasons, she believes she should feel bad about her self.

I suppose you could say the consequence is real in some sense. And that's true. I would just point out that once enough people adopt more progressive values, the consequence of feeling bad about herself vanishes. And in reality, if YOU adopt more progressive values, she will just sleep with you, without telling anyone, because she is free to do at least that without consequence. Does that make sense?

In the words of the analogy, I find that if you ask women "is the door locked?" they say yes. But if you open the door, they walk out.

That is why I question the validity of these social contracts, these social contracts the women entered into "voluntarily". Because the moment you say, "I won't judge you, I will admire you for doing what you want" they don't want follow the social contract anymore. And that tells you something about whether or not that particular woman entered this social contract under compulsion or not.

Another analogy that is perhaps simpler is the old favorite: "are you choosing freely to do the laundry if you have a gun to your head and someone says they'll shoot you if you don't do the laundry."

That person is not freely choosing to do the laundry, especially if they would have preferred to do the ironing.

Again, once you say to a woman, "I will not judge you for doing what you want," many will sleep with you. That really tells you something in my opinion, about how women live in fear of this slut label - partially from men, but ESPECIALLY from women. Keep in mind that some women HATE other women who "just give away" sex - because it lowers the return value on women who are investing their time not doing what they really, actually want. "Sluts" are slightly afraid of men, but terrified of women.

I agree with you that women should be more upfront with their boyfriends and people in their life. But I think it's also fair to say that society would need to become much more progressive before women would be able to talk about this more openly without unfair consequences to her.

In other words, I think we need to stop pointing the slut label at a woman's head. Again, keeping in mind that this social contract was "signed" under compulsion - the woman believing exclusivity the best compromise way to have sex acceptably - I'm not sure that it's wrong in all cases to break this contract.

I really encourage you to check out the videos in my signature. That is where I got this "sex cartel" stuff from - and it covers these social contracts as property agreements, which is pretty shocking too.

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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
Does this make sense to you? What do you think? Does this seem ethically sound? Does this make the world a better place?

Is there any reason why a girl who has sex for her own reasons isn't really just a liberated, self-determining woman?

What are you thoughts? This line is reasoning is new to me, so I'd love to hear some feedback.
Jun 29, 2006
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Plano, Illinois
It makes good sense, a good excuse to free yourself of the anxiety of sexing a girl with a guy. But I honest to God love my girlfriend, if she were to cheat on me I would try and brush it off but eventually I would be punching holes through walls and whip her ass I'd be so extremely pissed...

The fact is that it's all fine and dandy if you get a girl to sex you that has a boyfriend but another fact is that she doesn't want to hurt her boyfriend because they share a closer bond and you and she do, they love eachother, they give and get 80% and yerr just that 20% maybe she might like to try since she knows she can't have it, and we all want what we can't have, in the end, it's wrong and it'll burn you.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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San Fran
I dont think it is ethical because I don't like to **** over my fellow brother. Your post only targets strictly the female perspective. However, most people are somewhat AFC and if you screw their girlfriends it will put them into a bad spiral as ima str8 up pimp said. You would be stealing somebody elses loved one and i could only see a way to justify that if you actually plan to provide a better life for her. Which means an eventual relationship....


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2005
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I disagree because if someone is in a committed relationship they are basically giving their word that they will not cheat on them and therefore cheating is lying. I do not think that women should be judged for being 'sluts', but cheating is a whole different thing. It signifies lack of character.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
Thanks for taking the time to read and respond everyone. Basically, what I'm hearing from a lot of you is "if you cheat with her, she'll be breaking her word." This is a very common line of reasoning. However, this line of reasoning is the one I am presenting a number of counter-arguments to. So, for instance, what do you make of the "gun to her head" analogy... that is the real question.

In other words, if she committed to this relationship under compulsion, without a real choice, why is it wrong that she cheat? Again, just to illustrate what I mean, if someone puts a gun to your head and forces you to sign a contract, it is not legally binding. No one put a gun to her head, but many women believe they cannot choose what they really want. They believe they cannot choose to just have sex. So they get into relationships to protect their reputation then try to have sex secretly.

Do you believe she does have a real choice? Why? What would you do in her shoes?

And lying to get out of, for instance, being unfairly labeled a slut is not necessarily wrong. In fact, the slut label is wrong, the lying is just to avoid personal punishment. I agree that ideally she would tell the truth, but then again ideally, the slut label would not exist.

Again, a lot of your argument is covered by my thoughts, but I'd like to know on what grounds you're dismissing my counter-argument.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
For those saying that cheating with a girl is "screwing a guy over" please see the thread in my signature. Also, for issues like jealousy, please see the thread in my signature as to why sexual liberation actually helps all of us. Again, rather than screwing the guy over, I would be helping everybody on earth outgrow stone age ideas about sex as property.

I believe that jealousy should be overcome, but I need you to understand the thread in my signature to see why. It is a different discussion.

But I would be fine with my girlfriends sleeping around. They are adults, they can do what they want when I'm not around. In return, I get to sleep around too. So long as we choose to be together, that's what really counts.

I would be happy for my girlfriend sleeping with a guy she wants. That's because I'm secure in myself, and I know that if she likes me, she will choose freely to return. Not because she's my exclusive property, but because she chooses to freely.

Do you ever suspect that this whole jealousy, exclusivity stuff is based on insecurity? Again, please see the thread in my sig before responding.


Johnny Soporno

Senior Don Juan
Nov 27, 2006
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Toronto, LA, NYC, Miami, Amsterdam
izza said:
In other words, I think we need to stop pointing the slut label at a woman's head. Again, keeping in mind that this social contract was "signed" under compulsion - the woman believing exclusivity the best compromise way to have sex acceptably - I'm not sure that it's wrong in all cases to break this contract.
"Cheating" requires breaking agreed-upon rules.

I do not cheat, because I NEVER agree to rules which I know don't suit my nature (such as sexual exclusivity).

I believe both genders must enter into relationships with abject honesty, and not agree to things which do not suit their natures... but this is, as you suggest, Izza, a pretty major shift from what most people feel confident enough to suggest to their partner - or even a potential partner!

Women are only likely to maintain sexual exclusivity while they are infatuated with a man (virtually never lasting more than 18 months into any relationship), OR until their urges overwhelm their fear of punishment. These fears may be fears of loss, or fears of 'divine retribution', but more frequently they are FEAR OF EMBARRASSMENT - and, as such, can be mitigated by discretion and deceit.

izza said:
I really encourage you to check out the videos in my signature. That is where I got this "sex cartel" stuff from - and it covers these social contracts as property agreements, which is pretty shocking too.
Those videos are also available from www.SeductiveReasoning.com from three different hosts!

Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
izza said:
For those saying that cheating with a girl is "screwing a guy over" please see the thread in my signature. Also, for issues like jealousy, please see the thread in my signature as to why sexual liberation actually helps all of us. Again, rather than screwing the guy over, I would be helping everybody on earth outgrow stone age ideas about sex as property.
I believe that jealousy should be overcome, but I need you to understand the thread in my signature to see why. It is a different discussion.

But I would be fine with my girlfriends sleeping around. They are adults, they can do what they want when I'm not around. In return, I get to sleep around too. So long as we choose to be together, that's what really counts.

I would be happy for my girlfriend sleeping with a guy she wants. That's because I'm secure in myself, and I know that if she likes me, she will choose freely to return. Not because she's my exclusive property, but because she chooses to freely.

Do you ever suspect that this whole jealousy, exclusivity stuff is based on insecurity? Again, please see the thread in my sig before responding.

It's actually natural for women not to cheat with others. Men want women to have their babies and not get pregnant by other men. I'm not sure unlimited sex is natural either. People are always thinking about it these days due to the media bombarding us with it. Naturally then there will be some people who will create rules to have more sex.

I don't think that you can have a deep connection with a girl if you both are having sex with others.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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The prison cell analogy doesn't work because nobody in any relationship is being held against their will. The only remote correlation would be a legal marriage in which one partner would like a divorce but the other refuses to comply.

In other words the man kept in the unlocked jail was forced there, also against his will. Unless you are forced into the relationship, your arguement does not work.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Midwest USA
SharinganUser said:
The prison cell analogy doesn't work because nobody in any relationship is being held against their will. The only remote correlation would be a legal marriage in which one partner would like a divorce but the other refuses to comply.

In other words the man kept in the unlocked jail was forced there, also against his will. Unless you are forced into the relationship, your arguement does not work.
Hey, thanks for responding. As you know, these analogies are meant to illustrate a principle only - not correspond perfectly to the real situation. So the only way an analogy couldn't "work" is if it didn't illustrate the principle or mechanism I'm trying to illustrate. And judging by your response, I think it worked fine.

Ok, I hear what you're saying. What I'd like to hear you grapple with is the fact that, like the man carried into the room against his will, women don't choose that society will label them a slut if they do what they want. Women don't choose that their reputation will suffer if they have sex and do what they want. Women are told from birth that they have to find love, to "save themselves for true love", for marriage.

No woman chose all that cultural baggage - it is our cultural baggage.

And again, you have nobody telling these women "you can be free, you can do what you want." For most women, this is news. It's as if I told them "the door's unlocked, you can leave you know." And they say, "What?! I can leave?" And so they do.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument for you?

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Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ok, I hear what you're saying. What I'd like to hear you grapple with is the fact that, like the man carried into the room against his will, women don't choose that society will label them a slut if they do what they want. Women don't choose that their reputation will suffer if they have sex and do what they want. Women are told from birth that they have to find love, to "save themselves for true love", for marriage.
From experience women do that whenever they want. I dont know where do you heard about true love and marriage. Women this days as much as men are running away from things like marriage and LTR. relationships lasts less and less, let alone marriage...

No woman chose all that cultural baggage - it is our cultural baggage.
Nobody chooses to go to jail if they steal, nobody chooses to have to work for a living, nobody chooses to be man or woman... So what ?

And again, you have nobody telling these women "you can be free, you can do what you want." For most women, this is news. It's as if I told them "the door's unlocked, you can leave you know." And they say, "What?! I can leave?" And so they do.
Tell all those single woman who will have to take care and support a child alone for the rest of their lives, or the ones who got herpes or something: "you can be free, you can do what you want"...
Especcially when it comes to sex and love, what you want may not be the smart thing to do... in the end, yes, yo can do whatever you want, but you will suffer alone the consequences.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Women are only likely to maintain sexual exclusivity while they are infatuated with a man (virtually never lasting more than 18 months into any relationship), OR until their urges overwhelm their fear of punishment. These fears may be fears of loss, or fears of 'divine retribution', but more frequently they are FEAR OF EMBARRASSMENT - and, as such, can be mitigated by discretion and deceit.
He, I would like some statistical or scientifical grounds for such an extreme and highly unprobable affirmation


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I would be happy for my girlfriend sleeping with a guy she wants. That's because I'm secure in myself, and I know that if she likes me, she will choose freely to return. Not because she's my exclusive property, but because she chooses to freely.
Do you ever suspect that this whole jealousy, exclusivity stuff is based on insecurity? Again, please see the thread in my sig before responding.
How do you define relationship ? Since you can sleep with others and so can she, whenever you want to, you are more like some friends with benefits.
Anyway your little story doesnt show me how cheating can be ethical. Since you are not in a exclusive relationship, nothing is cheating anyway...


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
If you bend your own ethics enough, anything is "ethical."


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
SXS said:
How do you define relationship ? Since you can sleep with others and so can she, whenever you want to, you are more like some friends with benefits.
Anyway your little story doesnt show me how cheating can be ethical. Since you are not in a exclusive relationship, nothing is cheating anyway...
I define a relationship just the way you do with people you love - a long term mutual investment of time. Just because I don't treat a girlfriend's sexuality like my personal property doesn't have anything to do with how much I love a person, or how close we can get, or how long we will be together.

This is a very progressive notion of dating - it would definitely require a shift in thinking to fully appreciate.

If you bend your own ethics enough, anything is "ethical."
That is probably true, although can you point me to a specific place where I am bending my ethics?

I truly believe that liberating people from this notion of sexual-property is one of the most ethical and generous things I could do for a girl.



Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Midwest USA
slaog said:
It's actually natural for women not to cheat with others.
What are you basing this on? Keep in mind that what women do culturally is not necessarily what is natural. And of course, as you point out, what is natural, like peeing on the floor, is not necessarily ethical.

Men want women to have their babies and not get pregnant by other men.
This is true in most cases, although men can mature past this need - it is just insecurity. Did you know that about 10% of kids think their dad is their mom's husband and are wrong?

I'm not sure unlimited sex is natural either. People are always thinking about it these days due to the media bombarding us with it. Naturally then there will be some people who will create rules to have more sex.
That's an interesting point. I don't feel that I am creating rules to justify having more sex - especially seeing as how I don't have sex with anyone right now, and won't be ready for that for a while.

But if you're right, which would surprise me but I confess is a serious possibility, I wouldn't know for at least three to six months. So we can get back in touch then and see where I stand. Thanks for the feedback.

I don't think that you can have a deep connection with a girl if you both are having sex with others.
I like your feedback - I'm not sure that I agree with this point, but I see and appreciate that you understand the heart of this issue! This post of yours has been very helpful.

I suspect that once you grow out of insecurity and jealousy, you will be able to have a very secure, honest, and open relationship with a girl even if you're both sleeping with other people from time to time. I have a friend who's been living with a guy for 10 years - they're essentially married but they're both free to do what they want. It seems to work just fine.

Johnny, you say that you never agreed to exclusivity. But what do you do when a girl has agreed to be exclusive with a guy?



Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
What are you basing this on? Keep in mind that what women do culturally is not necessarily what is natural. And of course, as you point out, what is natural, like peeing on the floor, is not necessarily ethical.
Peeing on the floor is not natural, peeing per se is natural, while where do you pee is cultural.

Thiis is true in most cases, although men can mature past this need - it is just insecurity.
My friend, i dont wanna feed other men kids, nor waste time with them. If you do, well, good for you. You did not thought this through before posting. Of course, nowadays, having kids is an option. But one century ago it wanst much. If you had sex, and you are a woman, you would get pregnant. And who would take care of the kids ?

Did you know that about 10% of kids think their dad is their mom's husband and are wrong?
I would like to see the reliable statistical data on this too... If its true where do you live, is just very, very sad...

I define a relationship just the way you do with people you love - a long term mutual investment of time.
And what time are you investing since you can spend your time with whomever you want to. It seems like you are not investing anything, since, in theorie, you can spend more times with others girls. Do you have any mandatory duties to this girl ? Or anything is at will ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
izza said:
Getting back to women, I think this second analogy with the secretly unlocked room illustrates the choice women face in their social contracts. Many people in society often "inform" them that they need to get into a relationship, not be sleeping around, if they have a lot of sex they will be seen as dirty and not marriage material etc. But the real consequence is that if a girl has sex with a guy for her own reasons, she believes she should feel bad about her self.

Then she has no self-esteem. What if people in society said its great to sleep around and have sex, would the girl still do it, or would she walk away from it? It's a completely separate issue.

I would just point out that once enough people adopt more progressive values, the consequence of feeling bad about herself vanishes.

That's ridiculous. This is similar to "well, if everyone has sex and it feels good and you won't be judged, then you can too." I don't think so.

And in reality, if YOU adopt more progressive values, she will just sleep with you, without telling anyone, because she is free to do at least that without consequence. Does that make sense?

In the words of the analogy, I find that if you ask women "is the door locked?" they say yes. But if you open the door, they walk out.

That is why I question the validity of these social contracts, these social contracts the women entered into "voluntarily". Because the moment you say, "I won't judge you, I will admire you for doing what you want" they don't want follow the social contract anymore. And that tells you something about whether or not that particular woman entered this social contract under compulsion or not.

This has nothing to do with the social contract or how may or may not judge a woman. It depends on the woman and how good you can talk to her. Someone could tell a woman "I won't judge you, I will admire you for sleeping with me fast." and she could respond "Go to hell". Someone could tell a woman "I pity you and your dad for such a broken home you come from." but if he says it right, the woman could take her off clothes right there and have sex with him. You are completely confusing the issues

Again, once you say to a woman, "I will not judge you for doing what you want," many will sleep with you.

Completely wrong. Again, it all depends how smart you are in talking to them.

Your post can be relating to anything. If you tell a woman "You're free do drugs, I won't judge you." Well, then she may do drugs. If you tell a woman "You can be lazy and not get a degree." Well, then she will be lazy and not get a degree.

You cannot focus on sex just because the woman has the power in sex.